I think this should be a Coast to Coast WARNING for all Bad Characters, USURPERS and Criminals. Heed the warning or die (Could be a New flag 'ey?) In Marine Red sounds nice!
The time has come to let EVIL know 'We have Guns and we’re not going to take your SH!T anymore!
The old Tee shirt say’s it all: ‘WE ARE MANY, THEY ARE FEW and THEY CAN’T POSSIBLY HANG US ALL!’
When the .gov starts killing ‘WE the People’ they are NO LONGER MY GUBERMENT!
Tyrants bleed just like anybody else, they might have to be reminded of that from time to time.
…Maybe they should ask the British what AMERICAN MEAN FELT LIKE? (I’m sure they still remember )
P.S: God Bless all our Gunners and Gunnette’s who are in 'Milton’s path!
May you Float like a butterfly and sting like a Bee and come out the other side INTACT!