Democratic Agenda 2024

Given the obvious increase in animosity between Democrats and Republicans, what happened? Who moved?

If you hate the culture wars, blame liberals – Kevin Drum


Please tell me there’s a version for Kamala!
At least Hannibal had an IQ above 19.


Got Chianti ?

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I realize it might seem I am trying too make this political. I am not. I care nothing about politics. I don’t care about the spread of political values or who is to blame. I care about people and saving lives and being responsibly armed. I also care about different ways of saving lives. I focus mainly on giving the people the love they need so they don’t want to commit murder and stopping someone who does try to commit murder.

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…and they call us weird :question:

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I watched part of that, but I was getting so repulsed that I had to stop watching. The guy is disgusting.


I hope as they disembarked the plane, they said thanks, but we’re still voting for Trump!


I believe the reason they allowed kamala lama word salad to speak was that biden no longer is able. Did you see him appear to fall asleep as she was talking? He did not appear to even know where he was nor what she was even saying.


In the history of the Presidency, NO ONE has disgraced the office more!
This is the democrat legacy. Can’t be scrubbed, rewritten or forgotten!
Teach your children well!


We all should recognize the old Democrat Party as the New , Socialist Communist Democrat Party . All the Socialist Communist Democrat Representatives all are pushing the Communist manifesto to control the people.