Democrat Cities Deploying Armed Illegal Alien Enforcers

Is that right, Ol’ Pedo Joe? I wouldn’t be too sure about that if I were you.

I remember the war in Viet Nam, how after ten years long battle a bunch of kids with broken Kalashnikovs and bicycles sent you home with your tail between your legs and claimed their victory.

Afghanistan. Same.

That’s just for starters. How you piggies use up our men in these far off conflicts, sending them home in body bags and with their minds and bodies shattered–for nothing–but to make your arms manufacturers richer, us poorer, and flood the country with high grade, inexpensive heroin and the pharmacies full of Oxycontin for a completely stoned and lazy population that will never dream resisting you.

We’re not all stoned on your garbage, Ol’ Pedo, like your dumb son, Hunter.

Some of us know at least half the military wouldn’t obey your orders to strike us anyway. The other half might, but that would leave your half fighting our half, which you would surely lose.

You’re losing anyway, child sniffer. No one will come to fight for you nor Kamel Hairz. No one’s joining your army. This is no longer the army of 1991, fool. You got maybe 450,000 guys, maybe, and most of them are spread thin around the world. The ones here at home are too busy studying Woke Military Culture to be thinking about fighting.

The problem with you,Ol’ Demented Pedo Freak, is that you think everyone else is just as stupid as you are.


What could possibly go wrong with that?

Not as much when those that should be
prohibited weren’t admitted, but with this admin. anything goes, no vetting at all.

God help us all.


I don’t think people think this stuff all of the way to the logical conclusion
SO, I take a guy that’s here illegally, send him to the Police Academy get him P.O.S.T. certified. Now he knows some police tactics and communication techniques that may not be publicly known. But hey, this guy is a top student, a fine physical specimen and really smart so I send him off to SWAT or Under Cover Op’s training. Now he knows some real tactics. And since he’s one of my best I give him a take home vehicle, with tactical radios and all of his firearms in it, to take home. So he has advanced training, advanced communications and advanced equipment. All that’s left is for him to call his buddies and start training them…


Putin is making deals with the North Koreans, who are always short of food and opportunities. He’s guaranteeing their food supply in exchange for labor in making arms. Genius.

In another stroke of genius and good statesmanship, Putin has offered White South African farmers, who are being murdered by the score on their family farms by degenerate, deviant communists, to come to the Land of the Rus and farm there. He’s giving them land, seed money, equipment–whatever they need to get started. Thus far, over thirty thousand plus have taken the Russians up on the offer. Genius.

What are we scarfing up as the world changes before our eyes and there’s nothing we can do about it? The criminal refuse and trash coming up from inside Mexico.

We’re f*cked.


Safe Spaces


Something tells me we need not worry at all about Ol’ Pedo Joe and his F-16s.

We sure won’t need worry about the troops…


I thought that was Ginger Billy for a second there. :grinning:


I did, too!


I get it. That must be what they are doing in Aurora (denver) CO!


Vote Brothers & Sisters , I don’t that there is a level of Kevlar even with plates that work well against F-16s.


In response, Red cities are deploying LEGALLY Armed AMERICAN CITIZENS as per OUR Constitution! You know, the law of the land thingy!

There’s this little blurb, it goes something like this…
My understanding, as the scholar I am, We the People of the sovereign nation of the UNITED STATES formerly known as AMERICA still maintain control of said government!
It has become SERIOUSLY NECESSARY to dissolve the political bands.
You know the thing. Those bands that are connected firmly to Hamas, China, Iraq, Iran, Hezbollah, how many more connections are needed?
The media, Tim Walz, Eric Swalwell, all of New York City officials, Denver officials, we can do this all phuckin day!
School shooters, presidential assassins :question:foreign and domestic :exclamation:
By now we should know that voting is a crock of sh1t.
They planned this for a very long time, it’s Their end game, we’re just the sheep spectators with our hands out for the crumbs!

Or they will do it for us! Chinese and Venezuelans with badges roaming my country! I just gotta say…WTF and FAFO.

I actually think we are way beyond phucked. We let it get this far.
Now they know how weak we are, and they have NOTHING to lose! They are spreading like a disease! Time to flatten the curve!
Time to mask the phuck up!

No, the Hells Angels are not coming to save us!
Talk about disappointment!

Too hyperbolic, 5 - 7,000,000 ILLEGALS taking over AMERICAN communities, is that hyperbolic enough? When do we say enough is enough, how many law enforcement ambushes are needed how many innocent women and children need to be raped and killed, thrown out of their homes? If I asked this question in the 70’s I’d be in a straight jacket!
Is there a number, somebody put up the number! So we can get started!
Is it 65, 745, 1435 or is it 12,000,000, FYI that number is retroactive starting Jan 6 when they drew first blood, Ashley Babbitt was number one! Do you want 2 - 13 at Abbey Gate? This number shall include everyone in uniform, every innocent civilian and every OD on the streets of AMERICA!
Just give me a phuckin number!

My opinion at the first sentence was meant to be sarcastic, but things got real! So here we are waiting silently for our demise in less than 60 days! That’s how close the end is! My only friend! Only now can I truly appreciate being around when he wrote that!

November 6th our anthem will either be “The End” or “I Won’t Back Down”.

Personally, I think we’ve waited too long! IMHO.
Thanks for letting me rant!


If you’ve read any of my previous posts and you assume I am a fan of “ol’ Joe”, I suggest you finish grade school and retake reading comprehension before bullying people you don’t know. Or maybe wait until you’ve been on this forum longer than a few days before posting out of your a$$. Have a wonderful day.


You’re not reading it correctly. I am saying that to Ol’ Joe, not you or anyone else here.


So, the Demonic-Rats want to put the rabid wolves in charge of our hen houses. What could go wrong with that?

Let me guess they were impressed with how well the South American gang was “patrolling” over running that CO apartment building, and that qualifies them to over our run cities as our official “protectors” with that status vs. just as they are illegals.

So, who will protect citizens from them when they start running their rackets against us, like extortion for protection from them? Duh! How stupid.

Put the fox in charge of the hen house? Really? Seriously?

How about ending their war on our police, and funding them instead?

That worked before all this woke PC-:poop:started.


That and, stop insulting our intelligence, and start using plan old common sense.

I voted with my feet to leave a tyrannical blue state in the NE for a free red state in the SE that is surrounded by many other free red states in the SE.

One thing is nice is all the reciprocity around here.

I have to look hard to find a state line that crossing requires making locking anything in the truck a prerequisite to crossing that line.

Back in the NE it was just the opposite.

I had to look hard to find where I could make an item accessible to the passenger compartment.

What refreshingly pleasant difference that is.

And, the tolerance for criminal behavior is nil to non existing. No sanctuary :ox: :poop: here either.

They cooperate with, and notify ICE as is appropriate.

So, we are not a magnet, or dumpster for Illegals. If anything they pass through on theater way elsewhere.


This^^^^^^ My good Sir is shockingly accurate for my State also. New Mexico has it’s faults but apparently we are just a Gateway to our Brave new World. You would think we’d be decimated /Over run/ The Dumpster (as you call it) but they take I-25 and I 40 and INFECT/INFEST elsewhere. Unfortunately they seem to love my Sister State to the North a great deal. Beautiful Colorado (as we see in the papers) has been subjected to their Criminality and debauchery.
Shame, I loved working up there watching Elite’s fall down the mountains ( I believe they call it Skiing). In Truth Albuquerque is one of the Blue Lost Cities. That’s a fact. But we suburbanites will hold the outlying areas if the Poo Poo hits the Ventilator’s… There seems to be a rise in bodies turning up on the Mesa these days (burning in cars, Fresh sand mounds, I truly think all have not been found (and prolly will never be). It’s openly reported (another shocker) that all our Morgue’s are full to bursting. This is numero uno why we will not give up our Guns. Oh there is a plethora (that means a lot) :laughing: of Gun buy backs but that for now seems to be as far as they want to take it. The majority here seems to be 3/4’s Hispanic but the ‘Money’ comes from the dreaded White population and everyone knows ‘Don’t piss on White peoples shoes’ and then expect them to let you polish them. The .gov , Police force are mostly Hispanic but the Mayor I forget his name is White and plays both sides of the fence wisely. My neighbor is a CSI for the ‘Q’ as they call us and he’s very chatty just who has been showing up (quietly yet persistently) on his tables. Young men w/ no I.D. who seem to die violently.
Colorado and other Targets mayhap’s should take notes. Maybe there is a message here for these Friendly Migrants from Venezuela, Brazil and all points South? You may have great success in the Blu cities but venture to the suburbs and your life expectancy could be seriously downgraded. It’s not that we are violent, we’ve just had about enough of the nastiness that comes with these folk’s and we aren’t going to let them steam roll over us. No way Jose! :crazy_face: So, HIRE them (if you wish), training them up (you better) But just know a lot of folk’s will see this for what it is. A way to keep us in fear and a way to break us. WE WILL NOT BE BROKEN.
As others have said here I think a warm reception awaits

Mi dos Centavos
adonde nosotros vamos uno nosotros ir todo!!!
Nessun passo sul serpente


Understood Brother, thanks to Google Translation:

My Two Cents Where we go one we go all!!! No step on the :snake: snake.

I love that flag, USN SEALS fly that banner, they bit back.


That and, stop insulting our intelligence, and start using plan old common sense.


I dislike being the Reality downer here (it doesn’t suit me)
I prefer to be a Content Waffle Chomping/Diet Coke drinkin’ Gunner.
But the SOCIALIST (w/ side orders of Marxist, Communist, Wokeness)
Don’t have—‘Common Sense’. If they did they’d look @ their history
and see EPIC FAILURE every time they attempt these Over throws of nice Countries.
The basic fault is their ADDICTION to Control and their unwillingness to play
well with others. They LOVE their Mandates, DEI BS, Gender fluid, mind games.
Destroyers of Children, and Absolute Power.
Other than that I’m sure they are the nicest of people! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

So, again they will fail. But not before they can do as much damage as they can (It’s just their nature). Why else would they HIRE these Illegals? KNOWING it will piss us off?
THAT is the (10 million dollar question).
The Clintons, Sorosusus’ :upside_down_face: Obama’s, Pelosi’s’, Scummer Schummer’s of this World really think…‘THIS TIME WILL BE DIFFERENT!’ (it won’t)
God Bless them that they are so stupid.
Thank God (once again) that there are more of us than there are of them.
It’ll take Years to right this ship (currently heading for the Iceberg, some good people will die
but if their luck )all bad) holds we will prevail.
I’ve never been an Optimist HA! far from it! but as Admiral Halsey (WW2) alway’s quipped:
‘I know the fighting spirit of Americans’ (not a direct quote, never met the dude!) :crazy_face:
So do I.
Reading you folk’s, understanding what we are up against? I believe he is correct.