Is that right, Ol’ Pedo Joe? I wouldn’t be too sure about that if I were you.
I remember the war in Viet Nam, how after ten years long battle a bunch of kids with broken Kalashnikovs and bicycles sent you home with your tail between your legs and claimed their victory.
Afghanistan. Same.
That’s just for starters. How you piggies use up our men in these far off conflicts, sending them home in body bags and with their minds and bodies shattered–for nothing–but to make your arms manufacturers richer, us poorer, and flood the country with high grade, inexpensive heroin and the pharmacies full of Oxycontin for a completely stoned and lazy population that will never dream resisting you.
We’re not all stoned on your garbage, Ol’ Pedo, like your dumb son, Hunter.
Some of us know at least half the military wouldn’t obey your orders to strike us anyway. The other half might, but that would leave your half fighting our half, which you would surely lose.
You’re losing anyway, child sniffer. No one will come to fight for you nor Kamel Hairz. No one’s joining your army. This is no longer the army of 1991, fool. You got maybe 450,000 guys, maybe, and most of them are spread thin around the world. The ones here at home are too busy studying Woke Military Culture to be thinking about fighting.
The problem with you,Ol’ Demented Pedo Freak, is that you think everyone else is just as stupid as you are.