The USA has paid with the American citizens money . To turn our country . In to worse than MÉXICO not just Texas. The entire country . We have only two choices fight or surrender. I. Made my decision. Choice. Bobby Jean . We better return to. THE GRATE SPIRIT . AMEN
Hey man I don’t hate Texas/Mexas I just don’t like some things about it that’s all no sense to get all crazy about it bro. I live in West Virginia you don’t think I’ve heard flak from that? Oh believe me it’s out there and plenty of it too. I just don’t like the fact that you can go to some places there and not be able to tell if you’re in the USA or Tijuana Mexico and no place in this country should be like that and just because a person lives there don’t make it not true. New Mexico is the same way but it’s been going on for so long it’s just the way it is I’m smart enough to know that. Later Bro
You left the “By God” out of West By God Virginia.
That’s right my bad lol . But I’ve heard all the W.Va. stuff , like what’s a West Virginia virgin? A 12 yr old girl that can outrun her 14 yr brother
I’ll hear about that one, probably two weeks worth lol
Working at that little airplane company in Everett, I had a big hurtle to get over because of my accent. Most thought I was as dumb as a fence post and had to be shown like a grade schooler.
Mark.712, you have revealed that you are a democrat . And just let me be . I don’t care about what you don’t like . Or . Know . When you think you are the smartest person in the room . You know what that just revealed. . Carry on . Sir. You play to much . So don’t go away mad just go away from me . Thank you for . Your . Letting me alone . And . Remember when you told me. Here he comes again . Just like you knew . I would . Remember you like being spit in your face and to grind about it . . Let me be . Sir .
@BobbyJean Man do you always have to get nasty with people? I’m not arguing with you and getting kicked off here like before because there’s apparently something wrong with you, so STFU and stop talking to me because you’re like a broken record. Always ready to go to war yea right
@William191 , where you from man?
The kind of speak one does from behind a computer screen but never in person.
Mike 164. I am seriously thinking about not saying in the community people are not what they say or not. I have been Bobby jean my entire life and till I go home . No one has ever . Said anything to my face let alone spit in it . With a .F.N. Smile sir I just don’t understand . And who I respect make me wonder wtf
If someone says a little something you don’t agree with unless it’s a direct assault on you just blow it off man . I didn’t say everyone in Texas sucked I just said it’s full of border crashes, are you saying I’m wrong? IMHO they should have shut that stuff down a long long time ago that’s all, chill out.
MAYBE… some Texans should do “something” about it?
Enzo-T . SIR . Until the GOVERNOR OF TEXAS . Declaring. To . The LINE . I am not . Going . To . Make . My STATES PROBLEMS. WORSE. . OUR GOVERNOR IS. A. GRATE LEADER . . I WILL NOT . DO. ANY THING . TILL HE . SAYS. He’s the one. Who . Calls. The people of . Texas . To . DEFEND. Texas. Not . Me . !! And if I. Am . Attached then . I . Defend my self and family . And or. OUTHERS. !!! No one can . Act Like . They are some super hero. … until our . Sheriff department says HELP OR . I see . They . Need help. I . Just . Mind my business. we vote and we wait. This may be . The end . Because we . Wait . But we are . LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. TILL ATTACKED.!! . Till . Then . I take care of Debbie ann . And my .84 year old MOMA. Sir . In . Texas. Azz holes . Will get . Dropped . I . Love Texas and . My . Country. . SIR . LONE. NOTHING . TILL. ATTACKED. . SIR. Here’s ya A. Root. Beer. we follow the . Rule of.LAW.
Mike 164, yes SIR. We have a complete. Troll . And he likes to get spit in his face and just. Stand there and . Smile . Like a. Nut. No. Balls. And . Sir I . Have asked him . To . Let me be. He’s a troll . Seriously he wants to . Be. Relevant. With no. Honor he talks crap and smiles when people spit . In his face . Brother you can not fix stupid. Sir. And I have tried to be . His friend. And he . Talks. Bad . About what bitme. Has done to. Texas and . Does not see. It’s happening to all over America Texas never open . The flood gates . We put up wire and . Bit me. Has it . Cut. To . Let our. Country . Vote democrat. votes for MÉXICO . That’s what this is . All about . Power and the democrats . Have just about destroyed. . Our country . In less than. 4. Years . .1. More year. Of this and we will . No longer have a country . An a troll . Wants to. Talk crap about Texas should have stopped this we have tried . I send money . To . Build the wall . My GOVERNOR . Says please send money to help . I . Send it. We are. Trying to . Save our state . And bitme . Harris . Wants votes and they . Have illegal voting. Why don’t the troll talk about sanctuary cities . That’s not Texas . That’s his state. Here’s ya .a . Root beer . Stay sharp . Brother love Bobby jean and Debbie ann . Sir. This is going to . Not end well . And everyone knows it . Texas is doing more than any state . Bit me. Harris . Will never close the border . Have some tacos we have plenty of cooks:mexico:
Yes . SIR . Root beer and . Chili peppers . Poncho . My boots are Justin and they look just like yours . But my tops are not as high I . Wear leggings . That start at my knees and go to the back of my heals . With boot cut . Slim. Fit . Wranglers . 29.34 Debbie ann says I. Have wangle but haw haw seriously. I can only carry long blades in my leggings. They are leather and snap on down the side of my leg. And they are not loose. So they can’t carry a six pack . I wear two belts and suspenders. For my gun belt . And my two belt buckles look decent every one says I like your outfit . I I don’t know what to think . Ok. Thank you I guess it’s me I wear black wrangler dress shirts so that hides lots of . My stuff . All black with a quarter pound silver necklace on black looks kool . Silver on black. Every day . I eat the same thing every day . Chicken or turkey . And vegetables . Was them big bell bottoms ? You could get a six pack in that boot. Love Bobby jean here’s ya a root beer sir that is the look you be you amen
I’ve posted on here numerous times where I’m from. Why do you need to know?
@William191 , Wo there Bro,
I typed for ten minutes but When you said I left out west By God Virginia and then you said something about working at a small air field I was just hoping you was from here to that’s all. I’ve never heard you say anything about where you’re from just making small talk but I don’t “ need to know “ Jack squat, sorry won’t ask ever again ok?
When I said I typed for ten minutes I was outside and my wi-fi goes off out there and it got the first half a sentence. Just wanted to clarify that