(Wasn’t sure if this belongs in Concealed Carry or Home/Self Defense! - Mods please move if needed)
During this time as many states and companies have been urging people to work at home one of the tips I have heard, to be more productive, is to wake up and get dressed like you normally would when you go into the office. Although I don’t carry to work and I’m relatively new to conceal carry, I figured this would be a good opportunity to get used to carrying while in the comfort of my own home.
Anyone else getting dressed for work and conceal carrying to their “home office”?
@NMAZUser getting used to carrying at home is a great way to get used to carrying in public. I highly recommend it. Pay attention to how many times you “re-adjust” your rig because you will do the same thing on the street. If things don’t stay where you put them start finding things at home to make them do that. Usually a better belt.
I have been doing this since starting to work from home. My company doesn’t allow carry in the office either, which is a policy I would like to see changed. In the meantime I’ll carry at the home office.
Thanks for the tips! So far no re-adjusting and I’m comfortable enough that I’m not contently touching it, but I am noticing which sitting/kneeling/bending positions are better than others.
Since you are home all alone (I guess). if you have access to two mirrors line them up so that you can see your carry position and try to bend, reach, squat etc. it will show you how bad you are flagging and you can adjust as needed. You will find squatting to be much preferred over bending. The other option is to video yourself since everyone has a phone that can do video now.
Every day, all day. Like Craig said, paying attention at home to the little things and building good habits is really important. Remember muzzle control at all times.
Welcome to the party!
I carry everywhere besides like the post office or places like that. Actually it seems like people are more afraid of a sneeze now days. Had to get stamps earlier and what ever cleaning crap they used in the lobby triggered an allergic reaction sneeze… never cleared out a place so easy before.
Our company shut down their campus early last week in anticipation of things getting weird… got all our team members working from home now, and will for at least another 3 weeks it looks like. (Michigan is closed through April 12 as of the moment.)
Missouri isn’t closed yet so I’ve been CC while I’m out. At home, if I’m out in the yard, I’m CC or OC, but inside at my computer it’s sitting on the table next to me, or on the bedside table.
And yes, get up and get dressed. Because I’m video conference with my team a couple times a day Can’t be showing up in my PJs.
If the restrictions are lifted too earlier this is all for nothing, @Brian110.
I don’t carry at home. My office is in the basement and I have a firearm with me. But my carry is secured in a place my daughter can get to very easily without being in reach of my granddaughter.
NMAZ, I’ve been CC’ing for a few years now, and started like you did, at home. A great way to get comfortable and confident with it. Well done.
I carry all the time, even at home, unless I’m doing something that doesn’t allow it, such as laying under a car working on it, or taking a shower. My biggest fear is that I’ll become too comfortable with it, and forget basic safety. That’s why I try to hit the range every other week, and I practice at home with my BarrelBlok in-between range trips.