Concealed at the Vaccination site

While open carrying my LCP-380, I had my covid shot at a local pharmacy in Texas - no problem. Texas is an open carry state, except where approved prohitition signage is shown: no unlicese carry, 30.06 (no carry at all) 30.07 (licensed conceal only), or the 51% sign (no carry at all) for bars. And, also the list of the usual statutory prohibited locations such as court rooms, police stations, polling places, race tracks, etc.

I always carry when traveling about where it is legal to do so. My mental checklist includes asking myself where will I be going and are there any prohibitions that I should be aware of. Simply stated - situational awareness about open carry, concealed, or no carry.

I don’t open carry my Browning Hi-Power, as this makes a very big statement. But, I do carry a LCP 380 in an inside the waist belt holster with only the grip inconspicuously showing. This is open carry, but few people take notice. Even police officers pay little attention.

That is my preference.

Cheers to all



Down here in SW FL, the medical group that takes my insurance had me sign a waiver recently where one of the paragraphs basically says if anyone on staff thinks you have a weapon of any kind you agree to being searched and they reserve the right to confiscate said weapon and detain you until law enforcement arrives. So, to get into appointments and to get treatment without being hassled you have to disarm yourself before going in, or not sign the form and be refused entry, or remain armed and risk being hassled and ratted out for no good reason. Just another example of a corporate policy designed to keep people safer using a gun-free zone scheme which only leaves everyone on the premises quite vulnerable in the event of some violent crime. I’m not going to divulge which choice I made. But I do want to say that I really hate being put in a position to make such choices, particularly knowing that some corporate board of mastermind cement heads created another policy that has the opposite effect of the stated purpose.


Appreciate your post. I hear you. Sad, disturbing. I’ll keep an eye out in case in my area, they ever issue a similar policy. If I ever have a choice, I’ll explore other healthcare providers who are more friendly. Realizing I’m but one person, but if given the chance, I’ll fight harder for our rights brother.

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Even tho it may have been uncomfortable, glad it worked out and the police officer was cool about it!


My Family Practitioner is a handgun advocate and instructor. When in his office, I open carry, He pats me on the back as we pass in the hallways. Originally from NJ and NY, I just love south Texas. Gig 'em!


Why would you carry a firearm for protection but take an experimental drug? :man_facepalming:


Zombie Apocalypse hotspot.


G. Washington :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl:

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I have to do some research on this big time

At first glance I thought the topic was concealed at the vacation site…

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