Collaboration with the Enemy

There’s an interesting map that shows attacks against Christian Churches. In it’s correct viewing it shows attacks, not only burned down, which the map claims burned. It is miscaptioned. However this is not miscaptioned. Notice the anti Christian #'s vs anti semetic and anti Muslim


I will rely once again on that renowned free speech advocate and quote Professor Suggon.

Parody is still allowed.


Allah gave the Muslims (notIslamics” --no such entitity) the permission to defend themselves.

Anyone that’s read the Holy Qur’an knows that.

Allah gave us Mohammed peace be upon him. Who gave us Islam.

So, your argument is that if we disagree with you, we obviously did not read your posts?

Your arrogance is truly stunning.


First, an apology: Of all the Bible translations in English I use the George M Lamsa translation from the Aramaic of the Peshitta(Syriac) texts . I reread from the introduction I read 30 yrs ago and confirm his English spelling for God in Aramaic is “Alaha”. The preface and Introduction to his translation, also his book explaining “Idioms of the Bible” are fascinating and educational. (an aside: mentioned are the 100’s of dialects of the middle-East even now. I think of you and I saying God and a Brooklinite saying Gawd) That said:

Second: You said “ALL Muslim countries” and I gave you 2 valid contradictions which I did not apply across the Moslem world! You then quote an Iranian(backward, terrorism sponsoring …) mullah edict and a late advance for women in Saudi Arabia! You also mention India, a majority Hindu country? Malala is Pakistani (a majority Muslim country) and was shot by Taliban- perverters of religion who kill other Muslims and blow up Buddhist statues. While you point your finger at one thing you ignore things like BLM and Antifa setting fire to the church in Washington D.C.!
Your arguments are attacks that are not reasoned or well thought out or stated fairly. I’m moving on from this topic. At least we seem to be on the same page concerning the US Constitution.


I see talking to is going to be like talking to Galen. guess I’ve found a new person to add to my ignore list.


It is not part of Christianity, but is part of Islam as practiced today.

Yet, when have you ever read about Christian terrorists killing non-believers?

My “LOL” was fake? I found what you stated quite amusing, “the call to protect the Faith by taking up arms.” Protection, that’s always what the muslims state, but it was never true. I guess the city of Constantinople attacked those laying seige to it. LOL


Anyone with a pulse knows.

What is an Islamic person?

Islam is a strictly monotheistic religion , and its adherents, called Muslims.


Glad to be of help.

Are we done quibbling over terms and can discuss the one single question that has been asked? How does a Muslim (or a person of the Islamic Faith) bring the Juxtaposition of the Islamic Faith as a “Religion of Peace” vs the very real world version of a Religion of Terrorist Sponsored Fundamentalists? Without creating dissonance?

Or it too soon?


Don’t you know that what people do when they can’t defend their beliefs. They argue over words and syllables to distract from holding them to answer.


I just wanted to highlight this. There have been many topics on this forum that I have chimed in on. Not because they evoked any particular range of emotions but because they brought out information that I thought was important. Or they presented something untrue or laughably bad information, that I knew the regular members of this forum know but the lurkers of the forum may not know, so…


actually IMHO many of the lurkers that later chime in DO know…

some people love to stir the SH*T… and some love to muddy the waters so to speak…

we are dealing with paid and unpaid shills way more then many realize IMHO…

seen things all over and that reek of CCP involvement… anti-christian and anti-constitution…

one example that comes to mind…

someone is trying to claim the Name Jesus is actually about the greek god zuez… (spelling)?

and this flat earth thing is rather interesting… still can’t get a real answer about…

if it’s flat why can’t I see the southern cross and north star at the same time???


Because…‘It’s only a model!’ (Camelot castle—Monty Python’s Holy Grail!)
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Yes. Fight those who are ATTACKING YOU (the Muslims). I’ve already explained this before in this forum. That’s why I sincerely believe I am and the truth I’ve posted is being ignored.

I don’t understand why so many of you continue to buy into Galen1’s psychological warfare tactics. “His people” video the people they kill. Then send the video out to family and friends to upset them to the point that they lose all reason and sanity. They in turn turn on the very government that is trying to protect them. This is what they do. No matter how sick and wicked these tactics are, they work. Muslims are the masters of this technique. Galen1 is weaving his web and you are all entangled within it. He wants you to react. He wants you get angry. That is who he is. That is the evil of Islam. Wake the F up.


He doesn’t get us angry, and we don’t buy into his BS. I believe it is quite clear that our posts do not reflect what you have claimed about us in your post. We are quite well aware of the vile nature of the Qu’ran, I believe many of us that have posted in reply to him have read the Qur’an, and at least a few of the related texts explaining it - that is why we refute his false claims about islam.


I see your point. But still, keeping him entertained keeps him in the public eye. That is, his comments are still reaching an audience. Perhaps silent, but really who knows? I digress. Considering how many make up this audience it is unlikely his words will reach past the next cow pasture.

Or sign him up for Hamas winter job…

And then he turns us against one another?

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Yes. That’s exactly my point. When he gets us to question our friends and family, he has us. All it takes is a drop of doubt. While most of the commentors here are mentally strong, there are Fudds among us. That said, this forum is not a true platform. That is, it does not have the reach and influence of an X or FB. But Muslims are experts of the long game. Time does not matter to them. Aĺlah is the goal.


He doesn’t have the power to do that unless you let him ( give it to him ). He is a human being same as us. You are bringing on this fear yourself. We all here are responsibly armed adults. Let’s not pigeon hole.