Clips vs Mags. You CAN recover your dignity

Luckily you can go back and clip your post.


I noticed your “clips” the other day and just :roll_eyes:. I noticed 2 other peoples posts said clips :roll_eyes: It always makes me think of this thread. :+1:

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See, see, my good name is ruined by this thread. I was talking about en bloque clips for the Garand.

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Fibber! Fibber! Pants on fire. :fire:

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Nuh Uh! :fire_engine::woman_firefighter::fire_extinguisher:

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By the way, they aren’t disposable, they are very reusable. Love the Garand and there is something beautiful about the sound of that “ping!”


That “ping” is like the bell for Pavlov’s dog. It conditions the shooter to smack another clip in the magazine.

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I am surprised that his thread, intended to be a temporary humorous quip, continues. Many thanks for those who have shared their insights, expertise and even photos! To Zavier, just remember that the point is that you CAN talk meaningfully about real clips for those situations when you make a verbal slip, and either save face, start a satisfying side conversation, or both. :slight_smile:

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Was the first one to accidentally use the term “clip” in my ltc class. Was quickly informed we were in a gun carry class, not a beauty school…:man_facepalming:


I, categorically, deny using the word clip when the word magazine should have been used. It was my evil twin brother, my wife, one of 4 cats, or I fell asleep at the keyboard and face rolled the word.

Unless it was insightful, correctly used. Then that was all me. :grinning::innocent::us_outlying_islands::eyes::popcorn::cup_with_straw:

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :jeans: :fire: :tongue:

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Do I clip my mag to the bullets and that’s what makes things go round?

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It good to see a group of hardened gun enthusiasts debate the virtues of clips and magazines! Now, for the head knocker.

Every month or so USCCA distributes a magazine read cover to cover by members and firearms enthusiasts alike. But also, magazines are also places where good or supplies are stored, rooms where powders and explosives are kept or munitions are stored or a supply chamber, such as are used to feed cartridges in a firearm.

Clips are used to store munitions and to feed cartridges in to a firearm. The use of the term magazine would be almost universally correct for any device that is used to load a cartridge into the chamber of a firearm, i.e. clips, cylinders on revolvers or, as we all know, the magazine of a semiautomatic (or automatic) weapon.

Just like grapes and raisins, every clip is a magazine but not every magazine is a clip!