Does anyone teach a Child Gun Safety Training Class? If so, did you get certified, or create your own training outline?
We run an NRA one which is like a comic book or coloring book.
It’s called Eddie Eagle.
I don’t teach a safety class, but the most common one I see around here is the IL Hunter Safety class. If you are looking for material you could borrow a chapter or two from the course?
Thanks for the information
I don’t teach a child safety class per say. I coach the county 4H Rifle team. Kids age 10-18. We start with the 4 basic rules of gun safety, and MAT(muzzle, action, trigger). Safety is the number one priority, followed by proper rifle techniques for 3 position shooting, and the last aspect is fun. I make them go over the 4 rules, before we ever uncase a rifle.
Thanls for the information
Almost forgot. Yes, I am certified by the 4H program for the State of Illinois, which is funded through University of Illinois. My certification is good for 7 years, as long as I coach at least every 2 or 3 years(I forgot, since I intend to do this for the foreseeable future).