Carry, conceal and PFA's

I had a PFA against me and the sheriff’s office had me hand in my carry,conceal permit. The PFA was dropped without prejudice. They gave me a letter to take to the sheriff’s office to have my license reinstated. The sheriff’s office told me it was ultimately up to the state police to determine if I would receive it back. This is in Pennsylvania. Do i have anything to worry about and do you think it will be restored? Thanks for any feedback.


Welcome to the family and god bless you brother.


Explain PFA


A PFA stands for “Protection From Abuse” . It is a civil procedure available to someone who is “a victim of domestic violence from an intimate partner” , “household member” , or “family member” . Abuse is defined as physical injury or the threat of physical injury.


PFA definition.


In NYC we called it an Order Of Protection. Thanks @Todd30

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Yes but there was no domestic violence. It was from my wife. She got a bug up her ass a couple weeks ago and talked some shit to the courts. Nothing substantiated. It was dropped this past week.


I don’t know how the laws in PA. are but when there is an abuse case they really have a strict rule of restoring a person’s CCW rights back because of fear the person may use the gun against the person under protection. If that happened the Law Enforcement agencies can be sued for allowing you to get your rights back. It happens a lot throughout the country. A lot of these cases you don’t here about because they don’t publicize them. Not to say that you would do anything like that but because the actions of others good people pay the price. IMHO you should have your rights restored if there’s no history of violence and you were cleared and have the letter to prove it. Hope all works out for you.

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Better rethink your situation there. Honeymoons over. Big trouble on the horizon. Good luck to you


Unless there was a finding by the court of abuse and a Protection from abuse order issued, you should not need anything other than have the sheriff send the dismissal to the state police and your rights should be restored.


You are accurate in what you say, however, based on the question at hand the accusation was dropped or dismissed and was unsubstantiated.

Similar to a ‘Red Flag’ witch hunt. A wild accusation, someone in anger files a complaint and … WHAM.

Now, we only have his word, but if she made a false complaint, and it was dismissed, everything should be restored, though I would ask is there any legal issue for the false complaint the wife made…

And is she still his wife?


Agree 100 percent @Kevin29.

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Yeah, if my wife did that to me I’d be looking to meet my next future ex-wife…


Yeah she’s still my wife. For now. Looking to make better arrangements.