The incident unfolded on Tuesday night when 55-year-old Norbert Mess Jr. got into a heated argument with his girlfriend at their home near Northwest 25th Place. Fearing for her safety, the woman called her brother for help. Upon arriving, the brother was confronted by Mess, who was armed with a solid wooden rod and brass knuckles.
Without hesitation, Mess began savagely beating the woman’s brother with brass knuckles and a rod, striking him repeatedly. Witnessing the violent assault, the woman’s son, a minor who lived in the home, ran inside to grab a firearm. The boy returned and pointed the gun at Mess, firing a warning shot into the air, hoping to stop the attack.
However, Mess ignored the warning and continued his relentless beating of the boy’s uncle. Fearing that his uncle could be beaten to death, the boy fired multiple shots at Mess, striking him 8 to 9 times. Mess staggered away but collapsed in a nearby field. Despite the officers’ efforts to provide aid, Mess was pronounced dead [DRT] at the scene.
He sure made a Mess of things “What a Mess he was!”
DRT? WTF ? Is this short hand for wait for it! “Dirt nap!”
"Despite the officers’ efforts to provide aid, Mess was pronounced dead " ----- what ‘efforts’ he was shot 8-9 times? Called for a Morgue wagon? Stuffed the Mess in a Body bag? Had Door Dash deliver the Donuts?.
All I can say is “Job well done Kid” You qualify to wear Real Big man Pants now–and I’m truly sorry if this causes you any mental stresses in the future