Canine Burglar Alarm

  1. Never let the muzzle cover (gun point at anything that you are not willing to destroy.
    Please explain. I think you are saying you are pointing a gun before you think they are a threat or you are determining that they are a threat because you don’t know them and they are in your house.

Just because you are willing to destroy doesn’t mean you have to, or even want to.
For example, I think most law enforcement officers who have to point weapons to stop an imminent threat would agree. Most don’t have to pull the trigger, even though the weapon is pointed at center mass. Pointing the weapon is meant to convince the threat that they need to de-escalate/disengage.


Anyone who breaks into an occupied home has already threateningly escalated the situation about as high as it can go. That’s why even most anti self defense States have some form of a castle doctrine law. The home invader continuing to advance towards the homeowner pointing a weapon at them removes the last sliver of reasonable doubt in this situation.

And yes a home invader is a clearly threatening target that I am willing to use all the force necessary to stop. So I would start with pointing my weapon at them as soon as I am sure they aren’t someone I know who I’m sure isn’t a threat. If as I’m doing that, they freeze with their weapon free hands where I can see them or turn in a clear effort to run out the door then I would gladly pause to reassess the threat.

It’s not like a situation where you’re walking down the street and someone comes up to you and acts a little menacing. In that case the imminence of the threat is less clear depending on what they are saying and doing. The case in this story is an active home invasion which is a violent crime in progress and almost never ends well for the victims who can’t or don’t immediately defend themselves. I’m not going to give him a chance to take me out so he is free to harm my family and I’m definitely not gonna invite the guy to sit down for a cup of coffee so I can ask him what his intentions are.


What are you trying to accomplish by second-guessing the homeowner?

The thug created the situation. An escalation is fully on him.

What would you do differently?

approximately 1:20 a.m. Sunday.
The homeowner told officers that he was woken up by his dog’s barking at the time, and then heard a loud noise in his basement.
He pulled out a weapon and went downstairs to check, and said the suspect continued to walk towards him after confronting him inside the residence.


here is where I stand on this.
if you enter my house in the middle of the night. you are a threat in my eyes because my doors are always locked and for you to enter means that you have illegally committed a B&E. In which appropriate action will be taken…nuff said!


So cut & dried, and yet, people don’t seem to get it. Boggles the mind…



“Deadly force” is lawful only if it’s reasonably perceived to be necessary to prevent harm to someone or to prevent someone from committing a felony.

When it comes to protecting yourself in your home, force is legal if someone reasonably believes it’s necessary to prevent someone from entering their home illegally or attacking the home. Under Illinois law, deadly force is legal only if “entry is made in a violent, riotous or tumultuous manner” and a person can reasonably surmise that they or someone else in the home is about to be attacked or that a felony is about to be committed.

A “use of force” defense may be appropriate if someone is protecting property other than a home if it belongs to them or a family member, or they’ve been charged with protecting that property. Deadly force in that case would be legal only if a person believes a “forcible felony” is going to be committed.


I would stand at high read and asked if I could help them. If they came at me and I thought they would and could kill me or cause me grave bodily harm I would stop them buy what ever means possible. If there was any doubt in my mind I would not shoot. I think it would be obvious. Given my fight or flight reflex.

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being a functional quad I would do the same thing but, with more urgency.
basically that door/ window that they came through is about all of the intent that I need to know.


Can there ever be absolutely no doubt?

Even if they were pointing a gun at you it’s possible they might not intend to use it and are just trying to scare you. Do you comply in the hopes that their deadly threat doesn’t turn out deadly? The only way to be completely sure is to let them strike or shoot you in a deadly manner. At which point it will most likely be too late to stop them. The person that lands the first blow usually wins.


Yes I know what it feels like from scenarios. No conscious doubt anyway.
Edit: Let me add that I live very rurally. I don’t have locks on my doors. That might be a factor. Sorry I didn’t mention that.

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I’ve been in several threatening situations. Fortunately I was able to avoid having to use violence in all of them. But I came hair thin close to having to on one of them and certainly had some doubt about which way things were about to go at many different moments.


I am right there with you. back in 94 when I lived in Oklahoma


Most of your standing depends on the laws in your state. In many states you are required to retreat to the farthest point in your house before shooting. In some states you are required to leave if you have the opportunity.

In NC you can shoot through a door or window to prevent an illegal entry and you don’t have to establish an actual threat or discern if the intruder is armed. The actual act of unlawful entry (or even the attempt) and violation of my castle is enough legal cause and justification. Crazy differences.


The threat is not looking to borrow a cup of sugar.


You don’t know, unless you ask… :sunglasses: Maybe, it’s time to meet your maker, should be changed to, unless you are here to borrow a cup of sugar, it’s time to meet your maker. :rofl:


I have a sign on the door “I don’t have sugar and you will leak” :rofl:


That’s a good one. Likely will be leaking in more than one way… :rofl:


That’s embarrassing :open_mouth::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


Playing what-if scenarios could be hazardous to your legal defense!
