California law may backfire terribly as 70,000 independent truckers could be...


…just more of that California freedom Newsom is bragging to DeSantis about.


I thought I smelled more than one rat.

There will always be one.


Leftist California hates “Independent” entities.

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I never can fully open articles on the blaze. Here’s one on the same topic if you wanna read more.

IMO - the only thing I see is unions are very powerful ; think that has a lot to do with it. By making independent contractors become employees they will no doubt join a Union.
There are dots to connect about costs that truckers. I can’t find it but the additional tax was to be placed on truckers but they Bergen
For a higher cost of Diesel fuel ( when fuel was not too bad ). Yes trucks do put more wear and tear on roads but they supply America. There are
70,000 truckers picking up cargo every day, if for one day they didn’t pick cargo it would cause a backlash across the United state ( same thing with fuel ).
So how come a large container can be shipped from overseas to the USA cheeper than trucking it a few states away, even if rail transport is used still need 18 wheelers.
PS: we don’t have 18 wheelers driving on our back roads yet it’s Dodge the pothole games. Some of these pot holes are big enough for a cow and a small boy to fit in.
PS: getting harder to have happy thoughts.

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It pains me to ever agree with Newsom, but his definition of what the difference between a regular employee and an independent contractor is. Is spot on. The big delivery companies like FedEx and UPS were killing their employees by calling them independent contractors

I don’t agree with the law, the enforcement of the law, but the definition is correct.

I can definitely see FedEx and UPS workers being considered employees but I thought this ruling also applied to independent truckers who owned or leased their own rigs and were responsible for their own travel expenses?

I personally know a lot of independent contractors who have been screwed over by AB 5. Because of this law many companies now feel forced to hire them as hourly employees even though they are only hired for short term projects, aren’t provided with benefits and still have to supply all their own equipment. So now they are paid a lot less and can’t write off any of their business expenses on their taxes.

Pretty sure the law was originally aimed at Lift and Uber who were taking advantage of their drivers. But they ended up getting exemptions to the law and now a lot of other real independent workers are paying the price.

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I’m referring to the legal difference between an employee and an independent contractor. Not on how the law is applied.

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I remember those! :angry: