Butt-hurt Policeman Wants Everyone To See Him!

This nervous, twitchy, :sob:, butt-hurt, emotional little police officer fella said he can’t wait to see himself on YouTube and get dragged to court over his conduct during this traffic stop.

Let’s give him what he wants! Make him famous!


I’m just gonna be honest here … while we can all see that this police officer did not respond correctly to the situation. The passenger is, in my opinion, a turd. Nobody can defend the officer much and he had it coming. What I HOPE any of us would do is: Certainly be respectful, video, let the officer complete whatever action(s) he is going to do, then go home and either call an attorney OR, more professionally, all the officer’s Chief of Police. Requesting a supervisor to the scene was totally within their rights and prudent; almost as prudent as then closing his abusive, condescending and disrespectful mouth. One man’s opinion; user mileage may vary.
I thought this was a weapons carry and defense/offense kind of place. Don’t our police take enough abuse? Just take it to his leadership and then, if they do nothing, then I’d do more.
TO ALL YOU LAW ENFORCEMENT FOLKS OUT THERE: Speaking a an over 10 year volunteer fire-rescue-ambulance type, as a father, as one who has needed police assistance … THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT PUT UP WITH, ALL THAT YOU DO, AND YOU ARE IN MY PRAYERS EVERY SINGLE DAY, AND WHEN I HEAR EVERY SIREN OR SEE A VEHICLE!


Yes, this is a great way to draw negative attention to oneself. I do not recommend this nonsensical behavior, even if it is your lawful right to engage in it. Why would you invite a confrontation with a cop?! WTF?!

They all could have done better, save for the officer on the right, who was excellent, start to finish. Great guy. But these other two got some growin’ up to do. That officer should never have let that bugger get him riled like that. His jerking, twitching, his shrill voice. Cringe. Embarrassing.

I have some background in security and EMT work. Armed and unarmed. On foot, in mobile units, bicycles. Almost two decades of it. Most of it in bars, strip clubs and casinos. It’s the most thankless job there is. It never ceased to amaze me how people could literally step over a body lying on the floor having a seizure–just to get to a slot machine. Paramedics, a gurney, lights everywhere, no one cares. They just keep gambling.

I’ve been called every name you can think of and worse. Fights, assault, battery, homicide, meth labs, gangs, robbery, suicide–all of it. You absolutely would not believe what goes on in hotel rooms. Me and the cops, chasin’ these critters 'round in the night. We got to most of them before the cops did. Cops just came to take them to the slam or cite them or do nothing at all. Security in Vegas outnumbers the police five to one. So we bear the brunt of the assault in the casinos.

It’s a lot of stress. I’m not a mean person by nature and always de-escalate. But some folks are just going to go off no matter what you say or do.
They’re loaded to the gills. Pickled. On booze and/or other dope and you get to babysit. I was always straight with folks. Didn’t abuse anyone. If I knocked someone on their arse or helped get them to the hoosegow—they certainly had it coming.

I quit. Burned out long ago on that hustle. Got a new line of work. Don’t need the ruckus anymore.

What’s different between now and then are the cameras everywhere. Police are recording us, the public are recording them. The police get mad and retaliate when we record them, though it is the law, and we have no choice about their recording us. The recordings are all made public. So everyone’s out there doing a bang up job of recording the conditions of society, for better or worse.

It has an extremely positive side to it, especially where government and policing is concerned. They expect us to be transparent to them and put up cameras everywhere to watch us, but when we expect and demand accountability, they get scared, angry, hostile and try to stop it and often retaliate. They think that just because they don’t like it it’s going to go away. It’s not.

Cops love taking and showing folks mug shot and exposing them for what they really think folks are, but when they get that beating caught on video and up on YouTube and it goes viral! Woo! Hoo! Hot doggie! That’s a mug shot if I ever saw one! Now, the cops are getting their worst side exposed for a change!

Let’s weed out the bad ones and fix the police! Sensitive mamas boys like him don’t need to be in the police!

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