Brandishing vs showing?

Gun control: Using both hands- one at a time or both together…


(With Regards To (WRT) snipers:

They are justified protectors making shots at distances we cannot make even if we had our CCWs on us.

To take out a long range shooter (sniper) you need a counter sniper.

Like the Daly Lamas, head of the Tibetan Buddhist Monks, all full of love, and kindness says that if someone is trying to kill you with a gun, it is reasonable to defend yourself, and stop him with a gun.

Rule #1-Survival overrides all other BS,
#2-all else is BS,
#3-if in any doubt, refer to rule #1.

I don’t think civilians are permitted to bring their firearms to these rallies; even those that have permits; not just constitutionally.

Good luck, and God Be with us all.

Who knows how many others would have been killed if not for the counter sniper taking out the BG sniper.

The only better scenario would be if the BG got nailed before getting a shot off, and there were no other casualties.)

(The most a counter sniper should feel is recoil. Remorse should be the least of his worries.)

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If the BG sniper got the love he need he wouldn’t be the BG. Love is the answer and you know that for sure.:notes::notes::notes:
Mind games, John Lennon

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Some have a screw loose that’s too bent to respond appropriately to love. They are the truly dangerous ones indeed. Incapable of self restraint, empathy, remorse, whatever. Antisocial, sociopaths. Beyond any reason. And, if they get fixated on a target :dart: they will get it unless stopped by a GG. Because they are incapable of stopping themselves.


Just my opinion, I think it all stems from not being loved.

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That is totally irrelevant when people are being shot. Loved or unloved the perp is a threat. Love isn’t the answer, look at Muslim terrorists as an example. You believe they aren’t loved and loving? They believe in Allah and will die for Allah and take you with them. Good luck solving that with "love:.


They have a distorted meaning of love.


That looks like “Joy” as it’s being called today in our election!


IIRC there are some people that are just different in the head…

they simply can NOT understand love… unless it is self love…

all that matters to such is their self… anything goes to get what they seek…

so… I find myself mostly in disagreement with your statements…


It’s like a what came first. They were not right in the head so they don’t know how to love or they are not right in the head because they didn’t get loved. I think it is the latter. I would think if someone was not right in the head originally they wouldn’t be able to function to live a normal life. What do you think?

OK…HELLO! Let’s wrench this Train back onto the tracks shall we?
Love, No love isn’t important here. (I mean of course it’s important…oh, neva-mind)
With the Topic being Brandishing Vs Showing out here in Cactus Junction
Not being privy to all the facts I BELIEVE there has been a heck of a lot of BOTH
the last couple of weeks. With the Dreaded State Fair going on now and @ least
(12) bodies pulled in by our CSI’s last month (5 just this past week) (My neighbor is a CSI) Gun play is once again on the rise. I can’t help but figure with that many people getting dead there would be double that number if Citizens didn’t carry guns. A prospective employer commented to me last Friday (after seeing my sidearm. ‘What is it with all you people showing up for an Interview carrying guns?’) In order to make such a statement there has to be an uptick of people carrying.
People are fed the hell up with Crime and Criminals. The Police can’t protect you anymore
it’s up to us to be that First Responder. I see it a lot more in just my daily travels. ‘Guns Lot’s of Guns’. (Matrix 1) My LGS is Hoping, My Coffee group @ the LGS went from (5) to (15) guy’s. We now have Donuts! My shop owner is Ecstatic! They are now open on Sundays!
No, I’m not blood thirsty but if you watch the news people (usually not Stock Brokers or Worker Bee’s) are being found on the streets now. Bad Guy’s picking wrong targets are getting dead.
I mentioned on another thread Bodies are filling our Morgue’s. Undocumented (NO I.D.) Swarthy gentlemen full of holes , burned in Cars or fresh mounds dug on the Mesa (Desert area’s for you city slicker’s). If I sound happy about it, I AM! Maybe I’m a tad Violent but the right people are getting dead. And it’s about damn time. I hear from you folk’s almost daily what you’ve been seeing, News clips you post. School shootings, Good guy w/ a gun articles etc etc. Just the Coffee Klatch folk’s are noticing a distinct ‘change’ in folk’s demeanor ‘out there’.
People are NERVOUS about the debate and then the SHTF Election. My little city is a powder keg. I can’t Imagine what folk’s in my old building on the Upper Westside of NYC are feeling?
My fellow neighbors in that Brownstone LOVED having a Gunner in the house back then.
Cops in my city are now getting unbelievable breaks in rent in gated communities and apartment buildings!. It’s advertised on Next Door and Craigslist! PLEASE RENT HERE!
People are Scared too! That’s on Next door also. ‘Did you hear all that shooting last night’, ‘My car got shot up out front’, ‘I’m scared to walk my Dog’s’…
I don’t know what’s going to happen but somebody is going to lose this Election. (big duh! Don) When that happens the people with the most guns WINS! (That’s a fact!)
One last note: I now call to make a reservation to go shooting. Never did that before, Never had to. but now we do unless you want to wait an hour before getting a lane! I’m no longer a Guard (I don’t tell them this) but I seem to get a fair treatment because of my former employment. Who it hurt amirite? :laughing:
(and the answer is YES, I did get the Lil job from the Dude who saw/liked my sidearm He asked I Open carry @ work. I said…oh, OK) :crazy_face:
Should be interesting when the Balloon goes up!
(Oh, and don’t get me started on The Abq. Balloon Fiesta! 75,000=100,000 new Victim’s! (Tourists with Full pockets and not a lick of Common Sense! ).
Glad it isn’t me working that anymore.

Mi tres Centavos
adonde nosotros vamos uno nosotros ir todo!!!
Nessun passo sul serpente


Did you say something about donuts?:joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:

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Every Sunday Brother
Bulldog Firearms, Rio Rancho, NM
I’ll save you some Eclairs
(I know the Owner) :sunglasses:


Sounds like a date brother we’ll leave this train where it is.:yum::yum:

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Self elimination without taking anyone else to make a statement would be better for the innocent victims of that “stinking thinking.”:thought_balloon: