Brandishing vs showing?

Brother I stay Texas. Here’s ya A. Root beer. :beer:. I walk out the door !! I GESS by New York and some other. States. I . Am definitely brannashing. That big word . I . Am armed. Definitely. Woohoo . That big word. 9,11 Yeper. Just from where I . Live that’s . Definitely FUNNY. 9,11 would ask . Have you been Drinking. Every one . Is ARMED. BSA. Brownies. No kidding. Here’s 4,11. Information. We. Are all . Armed. Humor. Seriously. That says you don’t live around here . Love Bobby jean,&, Debbie ann.:us:

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Ps. Debbie ann just READ ME WHERE . A 14 year old boy with mental issues. His DADDY. Bought. Him a. Gun. And the FBI. Even went to . The HOME OF THE LITTLE MONSTER. To . Check out what all the . Little monsters been posting on line.!! Why they . Did not . Give him the . Mental HOSPITAL. And . Why his daddy bought him a gun. His DADDY SHOULD BE IN PRISON FOR BUYING HIS MENTAL SON A GUN . This should be the LAW OF THE . LAND. . MENTALLY . Sick. No . Second AMENDMENT. Sense. His daddy bought his son the gun . Why . They have not . Charged him . He is responsible for what happened to THAT SCHOOL AND CHILDREN. The . Farther. Should be . Inn JAIL. With the little monster . That did terrible shooting in . . GEORGIA . That. Made me sad just to hear it. Bobby jean. &, Debbie ann . :us:

One must assume everyone is armed regardless, of any criteria, lawful, or not. Lawfully, those of us who are not prohibited, living in a Permitless state regardless of CCW permits also being issued, all in this category might be lawfully armed. On the flip side of the coin are the prohibited, restricted, unlawful the don’t give a rodent’s rump about any of that and are armed also. So, that includes the entire population might be carrying. No one need be disregarded as a potentially armed individual. A 14 year old killed 4 and injured 9 in his school, prohibited :no_entry_sign: zone, by an underaged kid.

Snot nose preadolescent punks wanting to prove themselves to gangs that they want to join will kill anyone to earn that consideration.

The don’t do background checks, or even buy a gun out of a trunk. They just steal them whenever they can find them. Stores, our home and cars, even police cars.

NYC anti-2A types wanted to publicly publish the address of all registered gun owners and CCW pistol permit holders that they call NYPL pistol licenses. But, law enforcement and corrections officers’ unions got that squashed indicating that would obviously make them all targets of the criminal who would then come after their guns.

It’s that messed up. And, those that don’t train like us also don’t possess our understanding of justification of use constraints that we abide by. Not just for their intentional criminal use, but also out of control anger issues like road rage, or setting an argument with a bang :bangbang: With no concern about target isolation collateral damage / casualties. Why kids, infants, and elderly get hit in their own homes sometimes sleeping in their own beds by stray bullets, sometimes fatally shot. It’s gotten that crazy.

Luckily I/we don’t live in an any major metropolitan area where shots fired are a frequent 911 call and murdered victims are frequently found near where the shots were reported.

I hear shooting all the time in our rural area but, there is a range near by, farm and state land, and opening days of several hunting seasons that I am licensed to participate in.

And, I am not the least bit concerned with any of it like I would be in a city where such gun discharges are prohibited. But where gun shots are even more common occurrences for criminal activity. Where (cities) I would not sit openly on my front porch like where I live without Kevlar, and an AR, deeply concerned about shots heard.

Reminds me of the Clint Eastwood movie “Grand Torino,” with gang bangers cursing his neighborhood, and terrorizing his neighbors.


I see that irresponsible parent being held accountable criminally, and civilly.

His legal expertises alone will likely do him in.

And, losing his son to the system too.

I’d ask what was he thinking?
But, obviously not much.

He shielded his kid, and facilitated him at least negligently.


Frank261. The USCCA should . Bring civil . Charges. AGAINST . The . Farther. For. What. The government. Is. Going to do to. The RIGHT TO BARE. ARMS. Our second amendment. Because of . This and. Every other . Mass Shooting. The politicians. And . Lib. Courts . Are. ALL GOING. To . Blame . The GUN. And our second amendment. Every single time. Someone . Does . Evil. They blame it all on the DEVIL. GUN. MAKERS. And. . When if FACT. A. GUN NEVER KILLED ANYONE. OR . The makers . Of the EVIL GUN. Drunken . DRIVERS. And TEXTING. While DRIVING. Kills. More . Innocent people. Then the . Evil. People. Using… GUNS . This is an election year. WTF. Love Bobby jean ,&, Debbie ann. :us::sparkles::latin_cross:

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Yea, they locked pops up for giving the little creep a gun, could see that coming from the day it occurred.


I vote for the daddy to. Get the death penalty. Along with his little son the monster . Bobby jean. :skull_and_crossbones::bangbang::feather::feather:

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Well, I know the reaction alot of us have. Back a few years ago that kid shot up a parade in Michigan iirc, I was and still am against the new law they made up so they could go after his parents.i argued then as I do now. I am completely against the creation of new laws to go after the parents. There were/are existing laws that the State can bring charges, even Federal statutes exist for that.

The reason I am against the creation of new laws that could/can be used. Is due to activist DA’s. They will take the new laws and use it on someone who didn’t deserve it.

We all know that. I do not want to give even an inch on new laws to the State. I’ve seen the existing laws used and implemented. Let alone some new law that gets created while the Public is incensed.


I agree with you.


(The GA Bureau of Investigation (GBI) just announced that they have arrested the school shooters father, and charge him for failing to secure the gun his son used, and the resulting deaths, and injuries.

So, they are going that route.)


(The GA Bureau of Investigation (GBI) just announced that they have arrested the school shooters father, and charge him for failing to secure the gun his son used, and the resulting deaths, and injuries.

So, they are going that route.)

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Thank goodness. They should have started . There. ASAP. !!! We need . The . Law to. Charge. Who is responsible for this!! Not the . Gun. Company. Or our second amendment. Amen

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I am completely fine with that. There are existing options to use. That new law they passed in relation to the parade shooting is overly broad and ripe for potential abuse. As are most new laws.


Undoubtedly, the anti-2A click has their fixation on abolishing guns regardless of reason. They let no tragedy go to waste to highjack to amplify their cause. Guns are only tools when properly used cause no harm. But, some handlers are careless, or worse intentionally hurt others. In some other nations, or cultures when no guns are available to the general population, they get creative and whatever else will do the job, just like in prisons. If they x find or adapt anything ready made like a screwdriver, hammer, knife, they my use a vehicle, or resort to improvised weapons, explosives, you name it, they are only limited by their imagination.

In the military we are thought to survive, evade capture by the enemy, or escape. If our weapons fail, or we exhaust our ammunition, use anything else available. Out ETs, entrenching tools, aka camp shovels have a secreted edge on one side for bush whacking, or chopping small limbs for firewood, they also make good battle axes or hatchets :axe:. The utensils in our mess kits can be repurposed to dig tunnels, or fighting implants. We can go primitive with whatever we find in nature. The point is if a gun is not available, that alone will not stop a determined person from using whatever substitute will get the job done in its place. I someone has to defend themselves they will use whatever they have to. Likewise, if anyone hates another enough to end them, they will. If no not with a gun, than whatever. Is happens all over Great Britain, mostly with knives. I don’t know what the statistics are but, I am sure there is a long list of items used. Terrorists in countries that find it difficult to impossible to get a gun to kill others in the furtherance of their causes, including mowing down crowds of people wherever they gather, or are pinned in like on pedestrian bridges, will just get up to ramming speed and plow over as many as they can. Then what is the anti-2A crowd going to ban, restrict, or register next every stake or kitchen knife, car, rock, pencil; point is it’s not the implements used, it’s the user. Even prohibited persons use guns all the time like felons in prohibited possession. Or, children of negligent parents who don’t secure their weapons from them or, unauthorized adults from taking them. We don’t need more gun control, we need idiot control. Just so long as the idiot controllers don’t abuse their authority beyond actual idiots. Like an excuse to overreach the legitimate 2A community.


@Frank261 … Happy Birthday!! :tada::tada: Here’s to another trip around the son. Let 'em spoil ya rotten today. Enjoy


(Thank you kindly & most appreciatively :blush::saluting_face: )

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Well actually we do need more gun control, just not the kind you might be thinking of. We need to control our own guns and our idiots. Well happy BD anyway. Hope it’s a good one.

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Thanks :pray: :blush:.

My idea of gun control is using two hands.

A woke liberal reporter once asked a Marine Sniper what he felt when he shot and killed someone?

Obviously :roll_eyes:, trying to illicit a touchy, feely, guilt ridden awkward answer.

But, to the Marines credit he just quipped: “Recoil.”


I think the benefits of saving lives by killing people that want to murder us out weighs the remorse. I am sure the sniper was killing people that would murder us if given the chance.