Brandishing vs showing?

The picture is drawn


You do realize, that if you are throwing out a frag the other guy is getting really close…


It’s not brandishing :rofl:


If your throwing out a Fag? WTF? …oh, Mea Culpa man… :upside_down_face:

Instant Karma in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… :bomb:


Dude!!! I mean… Dude!!! You don’t throw out F… Oh just forget it.


A . FAG IS A CIGARETTE THATS HOW THEY TALK IN ELNGLEAN. U know princess HARRY. Love Bobby jean . :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hot_face::feather::feather::owl::sparkles:


Draws a nice picture though!


That’s funny :laughing:. I am still spraying Root Beer. :beer: my god. Draw a picture haw haw seriously haw haw


It is some kind of a threat, call 911 and call the Critical Response Team, follow instructions on the back of the member ID card

Very few states have “brandishing” laws, but every state is going to have at least one law that comes into play when one intentionally displays a firearm with the intent of altering another person’s behavior

You may or may not have an affirmative defense in that you were acting in self defense when you did it, depending on the totality of the circumstances


Or the person you showed it to shoots you before you can use it because they took it as a threat.

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It is if he didn’t pull the pin…


Enough of this :poop:, everyone duck!


For a frag, just a stone’s throw away. Whatever your range with a baseball is.


Robert 1246. When people see me. . They show me what they have. No brandishing. !!! Mostly. They . Just want to know what . Cal. It is. And I tell them 3.57. And. So very . Most show me . Their edc. So in one . Day. Every one carring . Are showing me their. EDC. And this. I seen your gun. I don’t know where everyone lives . But Texas. Is not . Playing I seen your gun. And yes . We just had .A. DALLAS POLICE OFFICER. SHOT. Sitting in his vehicle for just being a. Police officer. And OUTHERS got shot . And HE GOT . DEAD.:skull_and_crossbones::bangbang: THAT WE . Can . Only stop by killing the bastard. :skull_and_crossbones: . When. Some one is going to . Lose their mind. You don’t . Have time to think . Do. We . Have been training. . I . Have never . Hiden my . EDC. . If where you live . That’s what you must do do it. . With me . You can see what you get. . . If . Bad is going to happen . It’s going to happen . Watch your six. Love Bobby jean . :feather::feather::owl::us:

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Ps. I have my edc.!!! Strapped !! Down to where. I. Can not just whip . It out. . I have two 7, inch. KABARs. On each side of me. That’s my first. Response . To . Any one next to me with. A. Weapon.! We. Live in dangerous times. . Stay sharp. Get the point. Side by side. I have never seen a gun out run a knife!! I have seen . A . Tie. Not good. Stay safe.


Or the person you showed it to shoots you before you can use it because they took it as a threat.

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Robert 1246. I. Am . The kind of person that . Never met a stranger.!! No one would believe that I. Was going to shoot . Them. Any one I. Meet. Can tell . Straight away. I. Am EAZY. Brother. TRUE. WARRIORS. Don’t. Act. . SCARY. They just are. Have you ever. Heard. To bad . Don’t . Mess with the BAD. Sadly . That’s . True. And when that . Does happen. No one . Wins. Just my opinion. I never want trouble. And definitely . Not . With . Any one. Like . Myself. Brother . I. Would . Like to live. A. Little. Longer. Seriously. . Pay attention.!! And respect. And . Here’s ya a. Root beer.,:beer:. If . I do . Run in . To. A bad guy. At . Least. They. Will not. Be. Jumping for joy. . Love Bobby jean and Debbie ann. :us:


Robert 1246 I . Am not showing my edc . If anyone looks . Down my . Right leg. They can see . I have. A. Six. Shooter!! And. . And . I don’t . Go around . Drawing attention to it. I wear long sleeve wrangler shirts. So . It’s not . Sticking. Out. And by the time anyone . Notices . I even have it . What I . Am trying to say is it’s not the center of attention. Before anyone can see my edc. I. Have . My KABARs. At the top . On my sides. They . Draw. Attention. And them. . I. Can get. Quick. Now days assume. Every one is armed. Peace Love Bobby jean.&,Debbie ann. :us::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:


In TN they call it “brandishing.” But, not in NY.

In NY they call it “menacing.” If not justified, then you are in for a hassle.

If justified, it should not be a problem. Like, you felt your life in danger and/or great bodily harm.

But, seeing you squarely pointing your gun at him, the BG stopped his threat behavior, and politely waited for the cavalry to arrive rather than die.

So, you cleared leather, and held the BG at gun point, a really long intense “brandishing.”

Just be sure that you advise 911 of the situation and that you are the one that is lawfully present, and will ground your gun, on their arrival and identify yourself, and cooperate fully. That the BG looks like an angered gorilla jacked on meth and jittery as all hell. (Or, whatever will distinguish the BG from you.)

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What may help is if your emergency dispatcher service participants in Smart911, it’s an app that they use to give them all the basic information on your home location, who lives there (belongs), your DL #s, names, contact info. etc.
If you have pets, we have two dogs, all their specifics including their chip#s, any vehicle(s) associated with our address, description and tag #(s)…. So, that whenever, whatever summoned first responders arrive they already know who all lives here, and what else belongs, and know how many or what needs to be evaluated, medical conditions, if a vehicle at our address is ours or not, that type of stuff, without having to state it all. Just mention that we participate in Smart911, (that should flash up to our address, or when called by one of our phones, then you only have to fine tune that info with any exceptions or additional information, like someone not home, or that you have company…

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