Blocking hospital ER

Title on YouTube “Veteran warns politicians it will not stay peaceful if they don’t stop”


This vid has meaning to us all. He speaks for many of us. :rage:


Ambulance v. BLM protestors … the laws of tonnage apply!


Time to call in the scoops!


News article and video of the shooting.


This crap has gotta stop, [Anti-Police Protesters Yell ‘We Hope They Die’ Outside Hospital Where Wounded…
I do stand behind the men and women of law enforcement,and pray for their safety.


Everything they have been doing is illegal I don’t think it worries them yes it is true


@Caden Sir, That was a question that morphed into a BLM support statement, containing some profoundly false assertions, and then re-morphed back into an innocent question that claimed no interest in an argument. I think people here, who as you know, are charged with keeping things civil, can be forgiven for choosing not to respond to such a heavily loaded “question”.


Yes it is real and the crowd even yelled they hoped the cops died.

:+1: I agree


I think there has been a dynamic shift in the last week in the blm rhetoric of Cops must Die.
The burning, looting and destruction of the riots and defunding the police for the most part didn’t work as planned, the Government and or the People didn’t rise up and wipe them out and cause world condemnation.
Now blm and radical leaders both black and white are allowing and openly calling for and celebrating the death of individual Police Officers where ever they can be found. This seems to be the new tactic.
I hope I am wrong but I got some confirmation from Tucker Carlson tonight.


This question is baited and yet real.
Drive officers to location to be medevac’d by life flight for roof top access or use an unorthodox vehicle that doesn’t let the public know.
Something else that can be done is use armored cars that do not look like bank cars.
When people are blocking & chanting they want the Deputies to “F-in, die” and they hope they die… In my opinion that crowd waived all citizen rights of equal protection!
Departments need to enforce 3 to a vehicle with riot guns in each for each LEO.
It’s time to take the gloves off!


It is ok. You are allowed to have a difference of opinion and we can all remain civil. While people may not have liked your post there was no name calling, etc.

But I believe you have missed quite a few things. Before the rights, looting, arson and lets call it what it was…mayhem, the BLM had record support. Of course most had no idea at the time what BLM as an organization represented. They were supporting the idea of black lives matter. That support has all but vanished now so no the tactics don’t work. That is why Dr. Martin Luther King said they had to rise up and show the world they (people of all colors supporting the cause) could and are better than that. He knew all violence would do is destroy support for the movement.

Most people surveyed that lived in high crime areas wanted more police not less.

Can I ask you a question as I too want to learn? How can there be systemic racism or white privelege in a country that overwhelingly voted for Obama multiple times? When there are leaders at all ranks in the military that are people of color? How about Dr. Ben Carson who was the head of a department at one of the best hospitals in the country? When there are laws saying it is illegal to discriminate based on several things including color? When their are actual laws that insure they are given a fair shot or in many cases and unfair advantage in the form of affirmative action?

Maybe there is no such thing as white privelege and it is just American privelege as so many around the world think? Regardless of your color, race, or religion if you apply yourself and work hard you can get ahead in this country.

You should know I consider myself an human first, than an American. Yes I happen to be white but I have never voted a straight party ticket before. I grew up poor but my parents did the best they could with what they had. While we might not have had food all the time we always had a roof over our head. My parents taught me work ethic, respect and perseverance. My oldest kid is 20 and has never went without food and shelter because of that. My family is a true American family…a melting pot. In my extended family we have both hispanics and african americans.


Hale to our military veterans we need more like him.


^^^ This is exactly what we all need to remember. We all have different opinions - which is part of what makes this country great! Differences should be embraced and learned from (as long as they’re not really hurting anyone). If they do hurt someone, we need to respectfully address the situation so that it can be resolved.


@MikeBKY can you explain this law?


Ye who drives the heaviest vehicle wins.


Seems to me the democratic party has sold itself to the dark prince. I understand this vile movement much better since I have been going to youtube to listen to Prof. Jordan B. Peterson about how these postmodern left wing radicals think.


@JOSHDaPoPo called it @Proverbs31.10-31.
At one point on my life I drove fire apparatus and we always professed that “the laws of tonnage apply!” There was very little a 60 foot red truck with a bright chrome bumper could not move, if push came to shove (literally)!


In my opinion, there is a serious flaw in the 1st Amendment. In considers all speach equal and free, including Marxist/Communist speach. It is suicidal for a society, Marxism should be criminalized, based on 150 000 000 victims it created.
On top of this, this speach is no longer non-violent.