Biden's Vaccine Mandate Is Only a Press Release, It Doesn't Actually Exist

There is no VACCINE MANDATE in the Federal directory,so it is not a enforceable Mandate,Also The Texas Gov.Abbott signed that An order that not one Mandate would be enforced any where in Texas Private or Commercial


I think you are correct. But then look, we have a crisis in transportation, in healthcare, in education, Heavens know where else, because people were told they cannot work. Who made this happen? Maybe a hurricane in Florida (not!) is to blame, cause there is no mandate like this and don’t point your finger at Brandon.

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I have a simple question: When was the last time in your lifetime, that you received any injection, any vaccine or any needle whatsoever where you were presented with a Federal CDC vaccine card? I’m 55 years old, I was never presented with a card issued by the CDC for the Flu, shingles or TDAP.

That card was prepared and designed back in 2020 before any so called vaccine was released.

What does that say to you?

Stay safe out there.


People are saying there’s no mandate. Maybe not. That doesn’t change the fact that major employers are getting ready to enforce it anyway. My work sent out the, “We care about you; we value you…your safety…our safety…blah blah blah…get the shot or get out,” notice today. People say to sue; people say it’s not enforceable. They don’t fire you when you refuse; they put you on unpaid leave. That way you’re not officially fired. Also it makes it impossible for you to get unemployment if you can’t find a job immediately, as you’re just on leave and not fired. If you quit, good luck with unemployment. People tell me, “well you can take the religious exemption.” I say why the hell is my “I don’t want the government or my employer dictating what goes into my body,” not good enough?


What do your vaccinated coworkers say about it? Will they walk out to protest this abuse of their coworkers?

Maybe not everyone up top wants to enforce this, help them by getting whatever formal excuse.

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Half of the people I know who are vaccinated at my work were staunchly against it, but then caved over time as they all just said the same thing, “It’s just easier in the long run.” I tried to tell them that’s my point, there’s no long term study to who what’s going to happen in the long run and I’m unwilling to take that chance at the present. The other half think you’re a complete idiot if you demonstrate critical thinking skills. The only people walking out are going to be the ones who don’t get vaccinated.


They cannot imagine that the next round of firings and abuse may include them, and for a reason they cannot do anything about.

Been there, done that.


I’m grateful for the freedom loving patriots that are telling enforcers to “shove it”!
People don’t seem to realize this is a test to see how far citizens can be pushed by totalitarian government. If this so called mandate is successful what will be next?
Nothing about Covid is scientific at this point. Only political. Also, you don’t hear about the 8,500 plus deaths from the vaccine (CDC statistics).


All they need do is read about the Sugar Act in 1764 or perhaps the Tax Stamp Act a year later. We’ve forgotten our history and many have never been taught it in the first place.

American’s don’t like being told what to do. It’s in our DNA. Canadians don’t understand it, Europeans don’t either. However, the Britons (although they will never admit it) completely understand how us “Rebels” think.

I’ve been reading quite a bit of History lately. I’ll be reading Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” next. That should be required reading for every American.

Stay safe out there.




I think it’s a little to much.
I’m not sure how well you know dr. Mengele’s history… but using him as a reference to dr. Fauci (it doesn’t matter if we like him or not) isn’t clever… even for “Facebook like” post. :rage:

Since this is a topic for good humor, I’ll post this

If you are an unvaxxed Navy veteran, maybe you owe them back the cost of that carrier or a sub you served on


Alexander8,it is correct that the Mandatory does not exist in the directory where legal ones are placed and if they are not listed it is not legal,just a person stating what they want,but if you follow the alt media you can see that if people just stand up and sa NO!,then there is nothing they can do,we as a people can still say no!


You can find the fed requirement in the executive order here:

The one for government contractors here:

Also FAQ regarding these:

My daughter and I work for companies that have federal contracts, and we will be jobless in December if nothing changes at either of our companies. I’m 100% certain nothing will change to our benefit.


As for me the last time I was issued what back then was called a shot record was in 1961 when I entered boot camp at Ft Polk La. for training,and the last time it was filled out was in 1964 before loading on the ship for Vietnam


I think the biggest issue I have with all this is that the political elite think they are the overlords and that they can dictate what is done. No where in the Constitution do I read the government of any state or federal says they can force me to get a medical procedure done. The biggest problem we the people face today is they have forgotten they work for us. In fact the Constitutions first ten amendments of this great REPUBLIC is a set of restrictions on what can be done on my natural born rights. The vaccine does not prevent me from getting it or spreading it. It lessens the severity of it maybe. I say maybe because even fully vaccinated people can die from COVID same as the flu shot you can get it and still die from it. The chances may be smaller. But it can still happen. In my opinion this is about control and weather or not they can get we the people to comply. So where does it stop. They make it to where you have to have your papers in order to travel, to do business, to work. Show me your paper if you want to do anything. Hey your papers are not in order we are going to detain you now. When is enough, enough. When do we the people say we are not taking orders from the government, will it be when they say hey give up your guns. For the safety of all those around you.


[quote=“Jerzy, post:31, topic:76996”].
I think it’s a little to much.

Sorry it rubbed you the wrong way.

IMO Mengele’s atrocities are on par with Fauci’s.


:man_facepalming: OK… if you say so… :zipper_mouth_face:

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Everyone in this discussion is an honorary PhD :slight_smile:

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just curious… are you actually aware of the things Mengele did?

and lookin at Fauci and what he appears to be doing… all the lives involved…

IMHO sadly there is a comparison… even seems to now want to include children???