Biden gets history wrong on the Second Amendment limiting gun ownership

Joe Biden gets history wrong on the Second Amendment limiting gun ownership


Excellent article, thanks Mitch. :us:


Thank you [BRUCE26] We are so doomed


The amendment limited government action, not people @MitchR and @BRUCE26. Excellent article and that man Joe Biden has no idea what he is talking about.


*A 1792 Virginia law, for example, said, “No Negro or mulatto whatsoever shall keep or carry any gun, powder, shot, club or other weapon whatsoever.”

Imagine that. If we had kept one of the earliest efforts a gun control, black athletes wouldn’t be allowed to play baseball. That kind of illustrates which side of the gun control debate has the more absurd view of history.


Virginia’s 18th century slave codes provided that “[n]o negro or mulatto shall keep or carry any gun, powder, shot, club, or other weapon whatever” under penalty of 39 lashes, but “every free negro or mulatto, being a housekeeper, may be permitted to keep one gun, powder and shot,” and a bond or free negro may “keep and use” a gun by license at frontier plantations." These provisions remained in Virginia’s 1819 Code, which also provided: "No free negro or mulatto, shall be suffered to keep or carry any fire-lock of any kind, any military weapon, or any powder or lead, without first obtaining a license from the court of the county or corporation in which he resides … "

Historical Development and Precedent in Virginia and the Fourth Circuit
Acts of 1748, 6 Hening, Statutes at Large 109-10; 1792, 1 Statutes at Large of
Virginia, 1792-1806, 123 (Samuel Shepherd ed., 1835).
1 CODEOF VA. ch. 111, § 8 at 423 (1819).


Can we talk about another oddity of Mr. Biden’s speech, when he said the "2nd Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own.”

What is he referring to when he talks about limiting the “type” of people who can own a gun? What does he see in the 2nd Amendment that I’m missing? Is he referencing the blatantly racist gun control laws, and thereby implying that certain races of people aren’t protected by the 2nd Amendment? Is he making a reference to the militia, and implying that we have a “Warrior Caste” in the United States who are entitled to certain rights not enjoyed by other citizens?

I’m genuinely curious what he meant by this. And I’m a little surprised no one has jumped on this one phrase, considering some of the other accusations his opponents have made against him.


It’s a possibility he’s referencing to racist gun control laws and also going against a well formed militia.


And yet, many people will believe him. They will believe because it’s easier to believe what a theoretically knowledgeable and trusted person says than to think about it for themselves.

They’ll believe it because it confirms and reinforces what they want to believe, which is comforting and, again, easy.

They’ll believe it because they’re afraid, even though they can’t specifically describe what it is they’re afraid of except in the most general, hyperbolic terms, and usually at the expense of some social/political/cultural/ethnic group they disagree with whether or not that group actually exists or presents a danger.

The current administration is simply utilizing the oldest, most often proven true rule of politics (and many other disciplines), to wit: “People are stupid. They can be made to believe anything, either because they want it to be true or because they are afraid that it’s true.” I have fallen prey to this fundamental truth and it has never turned out in my favor. These days, with any issue, I try to look at verifiable information (i.e., facts) and make my own decision. I may be wrong but I’ll have at least done my best.


That’s all I can come up with, if it’s my job to defend him. Luckily it isn’t, but if I were Psaki I would probably say something along those lines. But it’s still an unsatisfying answer, because he’s equating racist laws which infringe on our right to bear arms with the 2nd Amendment, which is meant to protect us from such laws. Also, it inadvertently makes a good case for a strong 2nd Amendment, since it demonstrates that gun control measures were created from ill-intent.

The whole thing makes as much sense as Beto O’Rourke’s argument that we have to take firearms away from citizens, because the Kent State massacre of unarmed students was bad.


Biden said “We the people IS the government”. He’s wrong We the people are the whole body of the people that EMPOWER the government. Upon election, those elected remain one of the people regarding “one person, one vote” However, also upon election, those elected become “The State” with all the Constitutional restrictions that go with it.


I pretty sure Biden and other Democrat politicians always lie about guns and also don’t know much about guns and don’t care


Hello and welcome @Gary172


Welcome to the family brother @Gary172 and God bless you.


What Biden gets right is a very short list…


Yeah, he gets most of the stuff from the Constitution wrong most of the time. We are talking about a man who stood in front of Congress and stated " We the people is us the government." How’s that for getting something entirely WRONG. :joy::rofl::crazy_face:


@Lewis18 Welcome to the community, we are glad to have you here. Stay safe, Bruce and Nancy. :us:

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Thanks, now I gotta learn how to use the controls so I can put something out there without looking like a complete idiot. A little crazy, but not a complete idiot. :joy::rofl::crazy_face:

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the Kent State massacre perpetrated by the police and national guard?


Hello and welcome @Lewis18

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