Okay. I’ll bite. Tell me your real facts…and please explain what real facts means.
If someone votes for a person/creature who is killing their neighbors/friends/communities, they deserve everything they get.
Same for anti-constitution/2A/1.
team blue gets people to think long and hard on small things to get them to forget about the big things.
A real fact is information that is real not fabricated. For instance “currently” there are less “Illegals” crossing the border than there were at the end of Trump’s Presidency. Based on the same government’s method of statistically calculating the numbers we had during the Trump Presidency. Let me be clear this is not to say that they weren’t extremely high in the past. They were! Yes Biden was responsible for it. Period.
Not only is your epidermis showing (an old joke…) but your math is as broken as your English.
Your skin and eyes may be burning from these facts, but try them on anyway.
Facts are no help here, TDS is irrational. He already believes what his handlers have told him, and it is now “his truth”. Actual facts are irrelevant. Or as he would say, “YOU FABRICATED THAT!!!”.
He is a leftist bolshivek. Zero point in arguing with him. This sort of thing convinces me that some sort of left versus right conflict is inevitable.
And leave us not forget cleaning out the leadership of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and, as has been exposed just recently, the USSS by promoting individuals of proven leadership ability and integrity to lead these organizations. Reducing the size and occupancy of placeholders in government wouldn’t hurt, either. Getting rid of dead wood would reduce the national debt in short order, in my opinion. The government at this point is so bloated that it resembles a 600 lb individual rumbling through the 100 yard dash.
I did all of my retirement planning, paid off debt, but who planned to have to cope with this current economy. I didn’t see it coming.
Who the f*ck thinks a President is going to come me in and sign an Executive Order and turn the Country from a net exporter of energy to a net importer of energy over night and literally destroy the Strongest Economy in the World. Who saw a President that would throw our borders open to the scum of the world, who pays.more for immigrants than it does for its veterans. I didn’t see that coming, who prepared for boys playing in women’s sports and being celebrated for it?
How do you plan for your Country to become a shell of it’s self?
Doesn’t matter, Orange man bad, Dictator, gotta protect democracy, no more women’s rights, Felon. You know, Facts, Real Facts…
That’s quite the visual my friend!
And don’t forget the 87,000 Armed Pocket Protector Brigades!
The Homeland Insecurity Folk’s
The SEE-EYE-A Cannot operate on American soil without the implementing of Local Law Enforcement to Over see the operations Yeah right, just ask JFK ! They Oversaw him to death!
I’m not the brightest bulb in the Chandelier but d*mn if KamelToe doesn’t make me look like a rocket scientist in comparison.
So, more virtue signaling from Puddin.
Pretty sure I predicted that Puddin would start proposing more radical ideas to make KamelToe look more Presidential.
It used to be funny to watch, now it’s just terrifying because MSM is simping hard for KamelToe. The thought of her in the White House is to much.
Chief Climate Crookologist ALGore finally got around to endorsing Kackala. Guess he had a bad internet connection on his Luxury yacht named “Don’t Do as I Do, Do As I say” . Thought he invented the fix for High Speed WiFi at sea?
I have to say, sometimes Trump is his own worst enemy. I would prefer for him to be the Trump we know and saw at the Republican National Convention. He is going to be battling this for months.
I’d say the edited crap that the MSM repeats in lock step is his worst enemy.
Mayhap, but this was an avoidable distraction. He needs to be gathering “independents” by being the CIC.
Though the “weird” message the left is pushing is actually funny. The fact that the party of “boys can be girls and girls can be boys” finds anything weird is extremely funny.
And it gets worse…maybe she shouldn’t follow her dad, and maybe Americans should know about this also.
Yeah, and rhe Puppet who backed out hanst been running the country at all as we all know. His 50+ years in office as a senator and VP, he did nothing but get rich. How did that happen on a 120k salary? Multiple million dollar homes, plus 30 million dollars… we know he wasnt that smart on making investments…its what and whom he sold out a d crooked business dealings with his son and brother.
Search Biden Financial Disclosures and you can see what he’s really worth. Remember his wife has a PHD in Education and also works. The house Biden loves in Amy be worth a lot now but he bought it decades ago. My family bought a house in the 1950-s and it’s now worth 15x’s what they paid for it. Don’t get sucked in to the lies being put out there by people trying to discredit him.
Wow, he hasn’t ever done anything for the citizens. Enough said this will be a pointless discussion. He is against 2A…why? He evidently doesn’t flow tbe Constitution and what our Forefathers represent.