Biden Assures Everyone That While The Taliban Now Has American Tanks, Rocket...


Hello and welcome @James511

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It is good to know that those fighting against the Taliban will be killed with a rocket launcher, a humble (run over?) or a Gattling gun and not an AR15 (did they issue those to our fighting men in Afghanistan?).

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I knew that if I looked long enough I would find that one person not concerned.

Perhaps he made a deal with the Taliban to help us…with our weapons. Thanks, Joe.


LETS GO BRANON…hes not my president,ha

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Biden’s just a meat puppet! Silence those who are pulling the Anti-American Agenda strings!

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Biden took money from Ukrane, Russia and untold millions from China. Sold us out, lock stock and barrel. They own him and the Democratic/Socialist party controls him. Attorney General Barr reported no signs of widespread voter fraud, didn’t need widespread fraud, just needed it in a few “Key” states! No politician represents the people! They’re in it for themselves!


In 2008, then President Barack F**K America Obama planted the seeds of hatred and division! It went unchecked. Every country on earth educates their youth, where we indoctrinate ours!

American exceptionalism! They were taught to hate it, but it’s inescapable. They are just being exceptionally stupid now! HOW IRONIC!

It’s all about being woke and diversity. They fail to realize that we - America - are the most diversified nation on Earth. E plurabus unum. Out of many - ONE!

If they don’t want freedom, the border seems wide open. Immigrate to Venezuela, China, Russia or Afghanistan. Let them see for themselves what true socialism is all about!