Best Advice Ever?

They just don’t make movies like the used to…


That’s what happens when interrupt someone relaxing. :crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Someone that is vigilant relaxing. It is better to error on the side of caution.


I’ve quoted this since I first saw the movie when it came out. It’s simple but sage advice. But if they followed this advice in the movies you’d cut a third of the dialogue from their scripts, especially the 007 flicks.

keep your powder dry?


Curious because I don’t know much about guns from that period. Would it really be able to shoot? I’ve heard of how they used to put a small bit of grease over each round to stop the other rounds from going off. This would be the ultimate keep your powder dry test. Good cinema though.

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I don’t know a ton about guns from that period either, but I do know that most revolvers were cap and ball, which I’m sure would not work. However, The Good The Bad and The Ugly was set during the Civil War, and cartridge revolvers were, I believe, becoming more common. In an earlier scene in the movie, Tuco builds his revolver from different parts, and loads cartridges into it, so it might actually work.


Hollywood is located on a far, far away planet called California, the population of this planet has a total IQ of 14.3, however, they excel in false narratives, miss-information, invaders, and have a disproportional retardation segment that thinks boys can become girls merely by saying so, thus, their main strength is in their ability to lie, they are liars at their cores and not only drink the progressive Kool-Aids they are the primary source of producing the Kool-Aids.