Be what you want!


Since we are able to become and identify as anything these days, what is your dream identity?


I would have to say Jesus Christ.


Funny !!!
Not funny is that even though I fought in Vietnam (U.S. Marines - 3rd Force Recon, 3rd Marines) for what I believed my country stood for, the “freedom” to identify as anything you want to be is an unintended consequence. So, why do I have to “celebrate” idiots and have their ideology shoved down my throat ?
FAFO - Never underestimate an old Marine. Especially one that will glare at you as he shoots your Rocky Mountain Oysters off then slaps the stupid out of you.


Thanks for your service.


Semper fi ! Devil Dog. FAFO, if you want to .I’m with you , Brother. Be Safe.

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Is that a serious question? :astonished:


I already know who and what I am not confused at all.


So what you’re saying is you’re one of us not one of them/they?

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Someone who had the privilege to serve :us:
It started with watching Combat! reruns in my younger years and in modern times, Seal Team.

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Dude, it’s the Babylon Bee :man_facepalming:t4:

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Thanks all. This was part funny, part satire and a lot serious. This .gov is trying to permit lunacy, perversion and the freak jobs best they can. All in the name of money and power. I totally agree that knee pads should have to answer why, if her plan is so great, why isn’t it already done? And a part of the real plan is to fracture our country into pockets and then pit one against the other. I am a dyed in the wool conservative, but I am left asking why the so-called Republican house, who with a slim majority, have allowed obiden, knee pads, schmuck and the rest steam roll them? We need a real conservative back in the WH. Vote Trump/Vance.


Oh… so all these were about Presidential Election 2024… :person_facepalming: :person_shrugging:


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