Badges Update from the Community Manager

I’d like to see the Veteran Badge on my profile. US Army Retired. Vietnam Vet. Thanks.


@Dawn I’m Retired Army and Vietnam Veteran. Could you add the Veteran Badge for me? Thanks


Thank you for your service, @Michael554! You should see your Veterans badge now.

(And thanks for tagging me!! I don’t always have a chance to read every comment, the tagging helps ensure I see a comment.)

if you have a Military/Veteran badge, can I get it? I am an USMC Vet. I can private message proof if needed.

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Thank you for your service, @Steven147! Your badge is now on your profile. :slight_smile:

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thank you!

Good Afternoon @Dawn

I just received my instructor number for the USCCA CCHDF. May I get that added when you are free? no rush. I can PM the number if you would like.
Also, how many likes do we get a day? I maxed mine yesterday on the meme page and It capped at 297 on my Summary.

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Great Job Dawn!! Thanks. I am a former US Marine and combat veteran.


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Can you add RSO badge? PUH-LEASE and thank you. :grin:

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Wish they could. I have the certification also. Maybe they will make a badge for us, but it would be in training department. You are already an instructor, you have it all. Another badge is pennies compared to your

Best to you !


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I don’t have an RSO badge yet… thanks for the reminder, @pcloth2!!

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USMC, '73-'75…Viet Nam era.


Thank you for your service, @Danny28!

@moderators I have a question about the page keeping track of logging in daily. It says I have only visited 5/7 the last week but on my activity you can see that I have replied to comments or liked pages every day 7/7. I am trying to keep that consecutive streak. Is there a certain time of day I have to log on? Some days, I have all day to run the page in the back ground at work and others I only get on to hit a few likes in order to keep the consecutive streak. (these days are done on my phone).

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Im missing my uscca member badge…:grin: i know its not much…but its all some of us have​:grin:


Which page are you referring to specifically @Steven147 I want to make sure I’m looking at the right one.

@Danny28 I’m in the process of updating all of the badges this week and next week.

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You a busy woman…


Member badges were updated yesterday after my computer decided to cooperate :grin:

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@Dawn it looks like I lost my USCCA Member badge. I’m a collector. :heart_eyes: Could I get it back? Thanks.

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Will take care of that for you! (Are you by chance using a different email address for the Community than you are for your USCCA Membership?)