Back Problems Due To Carry Position?

Thank you. But doesn’t this limit your outfit options each day? Is it open button-down shirts only? Hawaiian shirts or bust?

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I struggled with low back pain after a year of carrying. Turns out it was my belt, not the firearm. Got a quality gun belt and I’m currently carrying a full size double stack 10mm with zero issues.
I don’t do small of back carry though, 3:30-4:30 only.

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Hawaiian shirts, fishing shirts. They both work and I have plenty. When I wear a polo, I ankle-carry.

In Florida, there are few occasions where I can’t wear 511 slacks and one of the above shirts.

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I drove 4 hours with firearm @ 4:00 yesterday and my lower back is sore today. I normally move the firearm to a more accessible place if I need to drive that long, but I had a passenger that did not have clearance nor need to know, so just grunted it out and paid the price today.

Could see that carry position causing back issues. I have disk issues in my back and just carrying a wallet in my back pocket causes issues. Which is why I wear cargo pants and keep the wallet in the side pocket. Front pocket carry and the 9/3 o’clock position don’t seem to bother my back.

3 words:


This will require you to wear a jacket or go untucked and you will likely print a bit when you bend. This is not a new phenomenon. Cops have tried to solve this problem for a hundred years. The best answers are: paddle holsters, chiropractors, and painkillers.

You can take it off and put it on without messing with your belt. OWB only. I’m not saying it is a good solution, but I am saying it is the best so far.

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True but some back problems are due to degenerative Fisk disease. It’s very painful. Pain management is required. So though you exercise it still might not solve the problem. It may slow me down doing physical work but not CC.

My back has hurt for years after wearing an extra 15 or so pounds around my waist for years. It is aggravated by a lot of standing. Not as bad today but long days standing still get me.


Try wearing a Kevlar helmet all the time.


Drink water…take Motrin…do push-ups! :cowboy_hat_face:


Use softer belt and try not wear it too tight, to let your back hip (Butt) muscles function properly while walking.Try it.


I can’t take Motrin. I’m on bloodthinners. I use Lidocaine patch and Tylenol. Most of the time I avoid taking Tylenol because of long term use problems. Liver and kidney issues too.


As for myself,I carry in a shoulder holster
+,I wear snap up western cut shirt, so no bother,have trained to poll the snap with left hand and pull weapon with right hand to the point it is an automatic and fast draw,and also practice point shooting with on demand laser, also carried a 1911 in outside shoulder in Cambodia,so there was really no getting used to it

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I can tell you someone with back issues and pain. I use to try very hard to use an IWB to conceal as much as possible. Not anymore. Now I just Carry OW Hostler. Too me if I print a little more, so be it. Only ones really looking are ones who know what to look for to begin with.


Thank you for your honesty. I can’t see myself wearing a gun out in the open like that but it might come down to either OWB or not carrying at all. Your advice is appreciated.

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Not helpful at all.


“Not helpful at all.“

I wasn’t suggesting you wear a Kevlar but rather responding to someone talk about wearing a heavy load. I am referring to my military career took a toll on my physical health.


I knew what you were saying @KillJoy !


Rub dirt on it!