That’s heart breaking
Hopefully some one will check this out and correct the misinjustic that the atf and others have done to our good citizens
Nothing will happen to lying fed b!tches…so shameful
I call b/s here is pardon material
“ATF lied” is all I need to know.
Well doesn’t that just figure…no way a government agency would lie now would they…lmao.
G-d bless the lying shameful fed bitches. This is the kind of stuff that will harden one’s heart. If that happens they win.
This is exactly why you need to tell any law enforcement either local state or federal officials “I’m willing to cooperate but first I must talk to my lawyer “. They can and will twist your words to make the collar. The same words you use to aquit you can be the same words to convict you
Law enforcement is not in the business of proving innocence. It is engaged to develop evidence to support criminal charges. As the Miranda warning starts out “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you.” Exercise that right.
1st < 5th
It use to be presumed innocence until proven guilty but that’s all changed in modern times. So we agree
Well that depends. In a right leaning court one is innocent until proven guilty. In a left leaning court one is guilty (unless one is left leaning) until proven innocent.
I just read this. I hope this case makes it to the President. He’s the only one who can correct this and fire then prosecute the guilty agents (assuming the story is true).