Are we letting a 3rd party decide what we believe?

It absolutely matters! The tactic is to label us as nazis, terrorists, extremists, etc., not with the intent of that necessarily sticking. However, by using such outlandish labels, they’re priming the population to accept less extreme labels for us down the road that will help to bear out their ultimate goals.


Yeah, but it’s not the name that hurts us. It’s not being responsibly armed that hurts us and leaves us open for criminal violence.

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They are past that, look at anyone who speaks against the Left. Being an armed responsible citizen just gives them more reasons to trample your rights.

Look at what happed to Tulsi Gabbard, they did it without giving her an explanation, ATF style.

“It’s no accident that I was placed on the Quiet Skies list the day after I did a prime-time interview warning the American people about … why Kamala Harris would be bad for our country if elected as President and Commander in Chief.”


The “government” has been deciding a lot of things for you all your life. How much of your money they own, where it goes, the consequences for what happens if you don’t give it to them when they demand it, etc. Governments are thieves. And the only thing that has murdered 100’s of millions of people in the past 120 years.

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Yeah I am not looking at it politically. If I were to look at it politically I could see what you mean. Politics doestmake sense to me because politicians do what the people want them to do. It is the people that concern me. If Kamala is elected it is because the people voted for her. If that causes more people to be responsibly armed then we will have to listen to her for the next four years. I don’t watch much TV anyway.

I will win the lottery before that actually happens.
Once politicians get into office they forget who put them there.


It will be because she was ‘installed’.


:arrow_up: Cameltoes speech writer. :roll_eyes:


huh??? where been for the last nearly 4 years???

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Flattery will get you nowhere.

No it’s not a third party it’s still two, they are called Democrats

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