Another take on EV's - There will be NO Accountability

Have you checked out the price of regular “trucks? My wife tells me guys where she works are paying $1k a month for 10 years. I bought an 03 Ranger cash for $3k. It’s not perfect but I didn’t want perfect.


Ridiculous prices on everything. Hmmm, I wonder why that is…


Exactly my point. Both my kids are hardcore conservatives veterans, and my daughter and husband are soooooooo far from being liberals in ANY way shape or form. They are hard working and MUCH to my delight, very successful folks that are lucky enough to be able to buy whatever makes sense in their lives. They lose no sleep about lithium mines/slave labor, green power plants, or any green energy for that matter. They have solar panels in their house because it heats the pool water effectively. And the slave labor pulling lithium out of the ground in other countries is a someone else issue. The Tesla Truck is their new baby mobile and the main reason for it’s existence is that if some drunk drives into mom and kid the drunk will be the loser any way you look at the equation.

When you take all politics aside Teslas are pretty darn nice vehicles that have their place in the market. They might not be in everyone’s budget but they are not so far off that anyone should like at them as anything other than another option. The new Hummer is actually higher priced that the Tesla truck and there are MANY pickups in the Ford, GM and Dodge lineup that are far higher priced than the Tesla. The cost of a a Y or an X is not out of line with a nicely appointed Mazda CX-50 or CX-9. Both of those are nice cars that no one ever brings up in conversation.

I find it mostly amusing that the liberal vs. conservative rants take us into areas that mean nothing. It trivializes our conversations and keeps us occupied with nonsense while they take over al power and usurp our rights…



Looks super Kool folk’s
Was next to one last week on I-25 heading North, Uphill (Labahada hill towards Santa Fe)
Couldn’t take my eyes off her! really nice!
Dude/Dudette? driving saw me gawking, hit the Toasters pedal and I had to stomp the gas
of my Jag to keep up!
I don’t want one
I love my Gas guzzler’s but hey, I never say never
Very cool looking ride
(OK, close your mouths now–you didn’t think I’d say this didja? :crazy_face:)


Hello @Craig173

The price of all those vehicles of the people you speak of is nutty enuf but imagine the payments and insurance and who knows what else Is more than I could ever pay, probably not even one of them. That Scotty Kilmer on the internet seems to know what he’s talking about and he says they are having big time headaches about what to do when those EVs break down because there’s no parts for them hardly and if it’s those big batteries you’re pretty much SOof luck and they don’t even know what to do with the worn out or no good ones, and said something about not all the plug in sockets being all the same ( I just barely caught that one so I could be mistaken ) but he didn’t have much good things to say about them. I’ve been wondering about the plug in things that are at the McDonalds pkg lots and elsewhere they can’t possibly and do you swipe a debit card and get so many minutes or something? They sure put the cart in front of the horse alright. If they insist on doing that sort of thing just stick with the thing where an alternator charges the electric motor or something? free


I would like to know since the US is the Saudi of natural gas, why aren’t we switching over to that? I know LNG doesn’t give the same mileage but if the price is lower then you can come out ahead of the game. But the elites won’t allow that to happen because they aren’t invested into it.


It’s because switching the infrastructure to LP for cars is not cost effective when we still have more oil than anyone else in our territory and in neighboring friendly Canada. Same issue as electric.

BUT, we could make gas cheap for uses like making electricity and home heating and cooking plus export the crap out of it to bring money INTO our country so we are not dependent on others for energy.


Heck’s fire some of the big wigs say we can be the Saudi Arabia of oil if we would start tapping Alaska.


I would say that is true up to a point. I know of many gas stations that sell LNG because they want to sell it to RV’ers. Hell they just built a Buckey’s with 140 pumps up the road 5 miles away from me. How hard would it be to add a few LNG tanks?

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UPS is converting most of our fleet to CNG (compressed natural gas) aka LNG (liquid natural gas)

They don’t produce the power of diesel or even gasoline…. And to boot they have only half the range of liquid fuels! So it’s a win win for the green economy!

Wait…. What?


I bet you there are ways to boost the horse power. I never mentioned anything about being green that is for suckers. But figuring out a method to use what we have in abundance more effectively is smart to me. Now the problem is getting the lefties to go along with it. They fight any idea that they don’t come up with.


Turbines Love natural gas, all we need to do is come up with either a constant speed turbine that can drive a car or better a variable speed turbine that acts like an ICE.


I bet if some of the boys that make turbine engines for airplanes put their heads together they could come up with something. Then it only gets better with popularity. Companies competing to make a better product to sell to consumers, win win to me.


It’s not the tanks, those are cheap, it’s the pumps, those are EXPENSIVE!!! And the trucks that carry the LP? Can you imagine converting that Buckeys to LP? The logistics would be ridiculous for not much of a gain. Notice also, there is no self serve LP for safety reasons.

And if you ever seen an above ground LP explosion you KNOW you don’t want that in your neighborhood. We had one close enough to wake me up at night. Closed a major highway for months…


Oh yeah, and that… :point_up:


Didn’t say to convert all 140 pumps over to LNG but to install a few new pumps to sell it. Then as the nation converts over to LNG convert more pumps. Like anything else demand for the pumps will EVENTUALLY bring the price of them down.

I’m sure you’re old enough where that train of thought was used for gas pumps. Stations had to pump the gas for you. lol, last I heard Oregon was still like that. Wondering, do you know how fuel trucks/airplanes have to be grounded to have jet fuel pumped into an airplane? Who knows by requiring a person to pump the LNG for you, more jobs are created to help with unemployment. Those jobs would be great for senior citizens needing extra income.


I see your point but my point is that there is zero reason to do this if the math does not work and adding a second fuel source to the logistics chain at a point in time where we really can’t find the end of the oil reserves because we continue to find more of it everywhere we go, makes no financial sense, for now.

There MIGHT be a time when it does or it becomes imperative, but now you can look at it EXACTLY as the mandate to go to electric cars. Just a dangling shinny thing that they hang on to dazzle those that believe in the green new deal. The conversion, the specially at the beginning, would take massive amounts of money, and guess who will pay for it? You and me…

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I get your point and you’re right. But if the nation/left was serious about clean energy….there it is. As you said it’s just a pretty shiny thing until there is real reason to convert over. Right now we’ve been trained to use oil. It will take a very strong reason to our nation to switch over.


Yep. We’re on the same page, just coming at the point from different directions but I agree with you!

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