Another lesson for us (Fort Worth)

Race has been identified in news stories since as long as I can remember; that would be since the 1950’s. In this instance race is important to understand the possible mindset of the officer. A report of a suspicious open door and a black woman inside with a firearm. The officer assumed she was a suspect. Would he have reacted differently if she was white?

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Don’t know Steven @Steven78 Maybe maybe not we’ll never know there’s only one person in the whole world that has got that answer the now former police officer. Have a nice day

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Race cannot be shown to be a factor at all here. The officer just panicked and didn’t even have time to consciously identify her race.

There’s only about a half second between his shouting a command and firing.

It takes the brain about .38 seconds to even identify a threat.


I only mentioned race as it seemed to be taking over the conversation. I agree it appears that panic, not race was the mitigating factor.

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If the officer feared for his life, all he had to do was step away from the line of sight of the window.


@CHRIS4 it is always easy as a Monday morning QB to what what he could have done. We were not there and did not see nor can we perceive what he saw or how he perceived it in the time that passed between the dispatch and the shot being fired. Let’s wait to see what comes out of the investigation.


For @MikeBKY
I’m with you. I’m thinking you are speaking of what the Officer did and why. Which leads me to consider your response is in reference to the reply directly above this one? Chris “Three?”
v/r Chris Four (thinking about a new name :slight_smile: )

oh and @Chris3 If the evidence and testimony teach us He didn’t do as you say, we can only hope others learn from his mistake. And pray the child involved finds peace, a livable lesson, and a long and happy life.


You’re correct @CHRIS4

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Unfortunately the lesson the kid is most likely to come away with is that cops are out to murder innocent blacks in their homes.

No, there’s no truth to it but just about everywhere I see this case brought up that is the message that is being constantly droned into people’s minds.

Yes, this is a horrible incident but it is not indicative of anything other than one cop making a series of very bad judgement calls.

I doubt the cop saw anything other than what he perceived to be a gun raised in his direction. There simply wasn’t time for anything else.


Unfortunately that is always the case. We have minutes, hours, days, even months to break down every aspect of a shooting when the participants have only split seconds.


@WildRose it is as if many of our young law enforcement trainees are spending too much time in the fun house and not learning the real lesson intended think on your feet/head on the swivel. That, and, a flash bang can do three times what you lying dead on the floor across an unknown threshold can do.’ God help us, it seems we can’t do it ourselves.

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I’d love to be able to sit down with this kid and debrief him while going over his body cam footage.