"Aiming Is Useless!"

Some of the best shooting advice ever!


First learn how to properly control the gun before you try to aim.
Pull the trigger without moving the gun.


Excellent video on the fundamentals. Glad I am a brand newbie so I can learn from the get-go instead of having to unlearn bad habits. Instructors need to emphasize trigger-control a lot more.


Most don’t even know about fire control. It’s not being taught widely enough, by my reckoning…

After mastering safety, put fire control in place first and foremost.


I taught myself the first bunch of years. When I signed up for a class and had a decent instructor, I realized how many bad habits I had to “unlearn” in terms of trigger control. We create muscle memory that needs to be retrained. I highly recommend finding a good instructor early on because of that.

This video reminded me about the time I even bought a laser pretty early on (not a red dot, but laser). I would see the laser moving around the bullseye in what would be a pretty small group size. But instead of realizing it was a good group size, I’d try to quickly yank that trigger any time the laser crossed the bullseye and the shots went low. If the shots go low, I guess the laser is off and just needs to be adjusted, right? :joy: So many bad habits were formed. It’s so much better to start off when a good instructor who emphasizes the proper fundamentals right up front. Start forming the good muscle memories right from the start.


I always wondered how robots get a perfect bullseye every time. Fire control is the key. The robot’s grip is unwavering in any way, anywhere. It’s a machine, so when it grips the gun it does not move, period, and so it can hit precisely where it’s programmed to do so.

So when I grip that pistol, I’m thinkin’ robot! Machine! Steely grip!. Because it works.


Very true all of it.


With my long . Guns. Iron sights. I . Am definitely. . Aiming. With my edc. . I can . Understand . About . Going with . Doing before. Even taking out. Your edc. Your brain is . Already. Dialed. In. That may sound strange . I . Can draw an hit what ever I want . With out . . Aiming. I. Done it before I . Drawer. Here’s ya a root beer. :beer:. It with a tin can . On the ground. I . Can draw and . Hit it . And when it moves I can keep it. Dancing till . I am out. And that’s with . Both hands . And my six guns. It’s something I have been doing . So long . Until now I didn’t even think about not aiming. To iight a. Match. That. Takes. Aiming. A. Lot . Of times for me.

Someone can tell me aiming is useless and I’ll tell that individual that after firing thousands of rounds it becomes instinct. I’m going to do it regardless, I shudder to think about firing wildly at someone… collateral damage is bound to occur.

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The video should be more appropriately named perhaps: When aiming is useless.

Aiming is useless before fire control is in place.