A new approach to "Gun Free Zones"

Our nearest Arby’s is in Wichita Falls right downtown, not a great neighborhood. Every time I’ve been in there I was carrying, usually OC’ng.

Never once had an issue with the management and the closest thing to a negative reaction I’ve seen out of the customers is that a few I didn’t particularly want to dine around either carried their’s out or sat a good distance away. It certainly doesn’t break my heart for such things to occur as the main value of OC to begin with other than comfort is as a deterrent.


@Stone see, now, this is why I love hanging out here. We can work through what we think in the company of others who will help us clarify and refine our thinking with grace, subtly, and intellectual integrity with respect and mutual support.
Perfect :innocent:


These are complicated issues and it takes a lot of discussion to bring people along who have never been in a position to think their way through them.

If we’re not educating others we’re wasting a whole lot of time and effort.

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Tennessee already does…just copy and paste their laws.


Why stop at the State levels? You have County, and the City levels of government. They should be held liable just as the Federal government should be held liable for an incident that takes place, and you are not protected by them, and you cannot protect yourself (or your loved ones) with your EDC.

They want to enforce these “Gun Free Zones” then they should be held fully liable any and all situations that take place. Heck, after all the Police are just every where we look! That is why we do not need EDC to protect ourselves from evil doers!

The Government offices city, County, and Federal need to “WAKE” the hell up and smell the coffee brewing. The police cannot be every where therefore “We The People” need our EDC to protect our loved ones and ourselves from the evil doers.


@BrophE Being that Costco was founded in Washington State that does not surprise me at all with their stance( I grew up in the Pacific NW). I am glad to hear though that their employee mentioned the fact that regardless of the policy, she was glad that you where carrying to protect you and those around you, and I thank you for this regardless. May I ask what state this happened in?

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@Major_Paul, welcome to the Community! Love it that you know your laws!

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@BrophE Well I am glad that you are protecting you and those around you in Cali as I know simply obtaining a permit takes an act of god and so many choose not to in that state. Ignorance is bliss for a lot of the West Coast, which is partially why I left Oregon. To be honest I was not expecting you to say California in regards to the action of the Costco employee. But as a native Oregonian I do know that the overall state views do not always represent the majority of its people.


In a state where only two or three large cities are dictating to the rest you know that’ll be the case.

Eastern OR is a paradise to hunters like myself and it’s a tragedy what’s gone on thee the last decade or so.

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I live in Beaverton for 7 years. I always wanted to get to the eastern part of the state to hunt. I also wanted to get out and fish for halibut and tuna, none of that panned out for me unfortunately. Now I’m back home in MI and really regretting not getting out and doing any of that while I was there.

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I spent quite a bit of time in Eastern Oregon mainly bird hunting along the Snake River and over in the Owyhees.

Tough but beautiful country. Did just enough fishing to want to go back and give it a serious try sometime.

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I spent a lot of time on the Wilson River. Caught a lot of nice steelhead and cutthroats. Tried to get salmon, the whole “combat fishing” thing was too much for me.


@Spence and @WildRose yall are making me homesick! I miss hunting out in eastern Oregon as some of my best memories have come from bird hunting trips out of Crane. We also did A LOT of bird hunting just outside of Portland on Sauvies Island but it got more and more restrictive as time went on. Same with fishing on the Willamette and the Columbia rivers. Florida has great seafood but there is nothing like fresh oysters out of the Pacific, crab and a list of fish that I can only find back at home.

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Sorry, HA! Never lived there but spent about a decade hunting the area every year. I’d load up 15-25 dogs and head north in September, hunt my way all the way up to Washington, then slowly work my way back down and try to be home for Thanksgiving. After Thanksgiving I’d guide 5-6 days a week all the way to the end of February.

It was a tremendous experience but after a decade of it I had to slow down.

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Except the government just raises taxes and continues to do what it shouldn’t. To address that, we need personal liability for any government official breaking the law. The city or state can’t take the penalty. The individual does.

I do. Concealed is concealed.

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In most cases if there is a clear violation of law or policy on the part of the officers they lose their qualified immunity. It’s kind of complex and it would probably take a hundred lawyers half a day to discuss the details on a state by state basis.

I think what we really need to do is to find a way to hold the lawmakers and state as a whole liable for victims of attacks on “gun free zones”.


This is one of the things I think we really need to do. NEED to do.


Qualified immunity generally follows federal law but with a state twist in determining what is “ministerial” versus “discretionary.” The Kentucky Supreme Court recently changed our law that if a police officer is chasing a car and the car being chased strikes another car, fault can be apportioned to the officer in a civil suit. This contradicts SCOTUS decisions and it is possible that a similar case may get taken up but this one did not. The court decided it is a question of fact, not a question of law, as to whether the officer shares liability. You won’t see many police chases on COPS out of Kentucky anytime soon.