.380 ammo Cannot find

I cannot find .380 ammo near me. I had some in my cart to check out at the Sportsman’s Guide and poof it was gone.

I am in Rural minnesota and not much up here but Rocks and cows per Gov WALZ.

Anyone ship?

I will stock up that’s for sure.
Stay safe !


Search the forum for existing threads on this, including reputable places to order from.

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Bud’s has some and ships.

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Great thanks!

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Yes I have been finding it at Field&Stream and I go check once a week. They get shipments on Tuesday and Wednesday. 380 auto is hard to find.

There’s not much any where. Just like Tp its disappeared I I have been to several spots. :tired_face:

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Looks to be gone. This is crazy

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Wow, just like that, all bought out… Best I can say is keep checking.

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I didn’t know .380 was in so much demand… or maybe not manufactured enough


I plan to. Thanks for the site

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Try Circle K Firearms in Le Center, MN. They posted on Armslist today that they have 380 in stock. They will ship if you can’t can’t there.

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Thank you!! I ordered the brand they had in stock. I appreciate this.



My wife owns some Ruger stock (RGR) and it is doing very well during this COVID crap. I also sold my excess
guns locally in 60 days, all at or above new price for used guns. People seem to be wanting security these days.



ALL handgun ammo is really hard to find nowadays. if you do get lucky its priced well above or double what it was just 2-3 months ago! i was looking for some from all my usual sources and ran into that problem . so no range sesion untill i can get some in hand without being goaged!

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Agree with the price gouging on ammo ! I have about 600 rounds of 380 that I’m hoarding temporarily ! I just received a new Beretta M9a1 22 15+1 yesterday to use at the range. Plenty of 22lr ammo available, I have 1500 rounds coming very soon and a couple more mags. At least I can keep going to the range weekly !

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.380 here in Florida is $ 30.00 for 50 rounds. Someone is abusing the system and charging 100% over cost or more.

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I recall paying $26 for a box of 50 (Fiocci .380) at the range before the pandemic.


Leheigh Defense had some this week. Expensive and NOT target ammo but good stuff. I also scored 4 boxes at the local Rural King last week. (Had very little for wife’s EZ before and decided I needed additional practice ammo and some businessstuff

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We’re also finding ammo in short supply. I shoot mostly 9 MM. My daughter 40 CAL. The shelves are usually bare at Sportsmans Warehouse as well as our local gun shop. We did discover that here, they get restocked on Thursdays. That’s when I try to buy two boxes for every one I shoot. I guess people are needing it to protect the Toilet Paper they’re hoarding. :rofl: I’m trying to find a good source to order on line.


Here’s what I’ve done recently. I’ve started avoiding main retail chains. Some of my best luck recently is the quiet tucked away feed / trade / and farming stores.
I’ve called one that in my area does not carry firearms or ammo … Tractor Supply Company, but down the road from there I located 2 that carries a wide swath of both.
Try places not commonly used such as these trade / feed / farming supply companies.
Another spot I’ve found to be somewhat useful is local gun clubs. Sometimes a person may sell a firearm they’re bored with or that has a repair estimation that exceeds the value of the firearm and they have extra ammo on hand.
Third spot I’ve found that can also prove to be somewhat useful are the ads in old fashioned newspapers. Look for yard sales and see what’s on the tables before bringing up the topic. An empty firearm case may open a like minded opportunity to asked if they know where to get an ammo type. Fish a little and see what bites.
Hope these ideas help.