2 words, GOOD LUCK


Gun confiscation was tried in Texas back in 1835 in our oldest City, Gonzales, Texas.

The Come and Take It flag is a symbol from the Battle of Gonzales that’s prevailed through 189 years of Texas history. The flag stood for defiance against Mexican dictatorship, and today the flag’s meaning remains rooted in Texas pride.

Confiscation didn’t work then and it ain’t gonna work now.

Gonzales Battle Flag


“None of them ever signed up in law enforcement to go kicking down doors of lawful, responsible Americans to confiscate their firearms,” he stated. Kirk warned that if confiscation efforts were ever attempted**, it would likely trigger significant resistance, making parts of the country “very noisy very fast.”**

THAT about sums it all up nicely for me.
All I can say is the people ‘Chosen’ to do the confiscation
a) Have their affairs in order
b) Kiss their family members good-bye every day.
c) Multiple Life Insurance policies.
d) choose another line of work.

There is not much ‘WE’ can do against these Tyrants and Despots ruining our country.
We can VOTE and WE can be ready. I will Vote and I’m certainly ready
This :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:show is going to get REAL if this two idiots get into office this time.
We have suffered till the Pudding Curdled, Now we are rudderless, No leadership to be had,
(and that’s when these Socialists can be real scary). Now America has a choice to keep heading down the Rabbit hole to our doom :poop:. Or to Vote for a complete change in direction away from our certain destruction.
These Demons get in and our country will cease to exist. :poop:

What ‘body count’ numbers will confiscation advocates tolerate?
World War2?


I suspect it will be subtle at first. Ban the sales of this or that. Then a law that says you can only have less than 10 or 5 or what ever. Then they’ll use/create a few examples of the danger of this platform or that platform and pass another law that says you can’t own one, of course that pesky Ex Post Facto thing get’s in the way so, of course, an Executive Order in the name of National security will be in order


I have talked with a lot of LEO here in the Dallas-Ft Worth area that have shared they would never enforce a confiscation order.


Well if they do try a buy back of firearms. And the Government wanted to buy back one or all of my firearms I’d make the do a BACKGROUND CHECK FIRST. And I bet that they’d fail. Not to mention that I’d also say NO! And that it is my UNALIENABLE RIGHT TO BE ABLE TO DEFEND MYSELF GIVEN TO ME BY MY CREATOR (G-d). And that it also goes against not only the LAW OF NATURE BUT ALSO NATUAL LAW. AND I WOULD NOT COMPLY.


Insofar as the government is unable to “confiscate” the firearms of criminals, any attempt to confiscate the firearms of formerly law-abiding citizens that, if they choose not to comply, will join the ranks of the armed criminals. I know the road I intend to take if this should come to pass. To that end, preparation is called for. Ban guns? I have all I need. (Not to be confused with “all I want.”) Ban store-bought ammo? I reload and stockpile components. Hopefully, I’m wasting my money regarding “confiscation” but I will not comply. Mandatory gun buy-back? They can’t “buy-back” something they never owned. And, just because “they” want to “buy”, doesn’t mean I want to sell.

I respect all LEOs but am quite apprehensive of those at the federal level.


It isn’t the Leo’s that concern me Brother.
It’s the use of ‘Alphabit’s’ @ these Criminals control.
One EO–Executive Order, one swipe of a pen can enlist
a host of .gov sanctioned trouble.
They’ve already PROVEN they can’t be trusted to go along
with he Supreme Court or 2A Laws they are the Ruling Class and
they will find a way to enforce their Socialist agenda how ever they can.
They are hell-bent on America’s Destruction.
Instead of Build, Back, Better
They need us Broken and bleeding so their ‘Rebuild’ is complete
(with us not in the rebuild plans).
This isn’t a difference in Political Ideology, this is a TOTALATARIAN REGIME
in the making that Stalin would whole heartedly approve.

The SILENT among us deserve what they get.


Until its time to do it. I call BS on that. They are too quick to usurp that power. Look what the police in Minnesota did under Tampon Tim’s direction. They went in DROVES looking for people. Police get drunk on power like any crooked politician.


I recall during the plandemic our local PD and sheriff didn’t enforce mask mandates.

They’re not on tyrants’ side.

Sadly, other cities aren’t as lucky.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Washington state is pushing to build the LEO’s. Apparently, they say they are shorthanded! Go figure that! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I have said this before.

The State doesn’t need to confiscate.

They can ban and enforce. (See the new $hit goin’ down in MA.)

A few (previously) honest people get caught, who would rather surrender their firearms than go to jail and leave their families. People will think.

A few more get caught and are, um, “accidentally” killed in the encounter. More people will think.

A group in a compound setting gets raided. Some more people will give up or perhaps hide their guns.

Control accomplished.


or they can just do the Communist dance that works so well in the beginning
and just ‘ANNOUNCE’ all guns must be turned in by such and such a date. Failure to do so will result in ‘penalties’ or Prison. They LOVE that ‘Failure to comply’ Bullsh**!
They LOVE threatening the people they are supposed to be working for. They get off on repression, Oppression, control, Over ruling us. It’s a sickness.

We will be in the fight very soon folk’s.
They will not go quietly into the good night if their ‘rigging’ of the election fails.
There is NO Election integrity, in their minds they’ve already won.
How much are WE THE PEOPLE going to take?

We have a VP===Pres. candidate that’s been in hiding
We have her VP selection who loves everything China/Chinese.
and we are OK with that?

Crazy world.


All I can say to confiscation is,

To quote (according to the left) a great leader

